雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 供車上會實為傳統汽車貸款,主要有兩種:以「汽車貸款(租賃)」或「汽車貸款(租購)」形式計算,整個供車上會過程主要是由車行或汽車代理代辦,並由買家以分期方式償還汽車貸款;至於「租賃」或「租購」分別在於,前者需先繳付「首期」;而後者則以不用繳付「首期」,惟供款利率一般較高。 傳統供車上會計算方法. 如果選擇以汽車貸款(租賃)方式購入汽車,首先要繳付的便是「首期」,款項一般為年期加一乘每期供款額;如還款期定為5年,即需先支付6個月的供款作首期,此方案較適合資金充裕的人士。 相反地,汽車貸款(租購)雖然不需買家先付首期,不過一般利率會較汽車貸款(租賃)高。 另外要注意的是,傳統汽車貸款的年息一般是以年計的平息計算。 記住! 供車上會一般不是以實際年利率 (APR)方式計算。 傳統汽車貸款注意事項.

    • Your Loan, Your Call
    • The More You Repay, The More You Save
    • Instant Approval
    • Withdraw Anytime

    Normally, a typical loan process involves the application, approval, and fund transfer which are one-time procedure. Every time when you apply for re-finance, you need to reapply and resubmit documents, which is time-consuming and inflexible for your urgent needs. Revolving loans exempt you from all these complicated procedures. Credit limit is res...

    Many personal loans provided by typical finance institutions already have a fixed repayment amount and period, as well as penalty and handling fee. Compared to typical loans, Promise's revolving loan offers repayment periods from 6 months to 84 months for you to select. You can also repay the drawn amount in full or in part according to your abilit...

    General personal loans are approved manually in typical finance institutions. It may take around 10 working days or more from the application to transfer, which is a pressing matter to the borrower. You may apply Promise revolving loan online or via the member hotline without additional application procedures. It is more convenient than typical per...

    Convenience is vital for personal loans. Promise's revolving loan service transfers funds to your bank account 24 hours a daywithout limitation by time and working days. Your urgent needs are easily resolved. Promise's revolving loan is a quicker and easier solution, which addresses your financial emergency in different situations and enables you t...

  2. 邦民貸款產品的實際年利率更低至1.12%,您更可以利用 貸款計算機 ,計算出還款金額及期限作參考,全面評估借錢成本。 3. 費用. 坊間有些財務機構批出貸款時會收取手續費及行政費用。 所以比較各貸款產品借錢時,您亦需要確定貸款是否有其他額外隱藏成本,或者潛在借貸利息收費,從而令你的貸款成本增加。 邦民絕無其他隱藏收費,豁免任何貸款手續費,讓客戶可取得全數貸款。 貸款成本一目了然,借錢自然更安心。 4. 申請文件. 在申請貸款過程中,一般都要提供身份證、住址證明、入息證明等資料,以作審查。 不少人因未能提交所需的證明文件,令貸款未能夠被順利批核。 因此財務機構推出免證明文件的私人貸款方案,令申請手續更簡單快捷,財政困難更快得到解決。

  3. Total interest repayment = Monthly average interest x Repayment period. $500 x 12 = $6,000. However, the loan interest rate is not merely calculated by simply multiplying the monthly flat rate by 12 months (0.5% x 12).

  4. 網上私人貸款即時批核!. 申請貸款只需身份證及手提 電話# ,借錢更方便。. 了解更多. 即批私人貸款. 低息結餘轉戶貸款. 大專學生貸款. 立即申請. 申請私人貸款前,學習更多有關貸款的小知識,了解貸款申請及批核時或可用到的小貼士。. 讓你做個精明借貸者 ...

  5. 1. Repayment Period. The length of your repayment period will affect your monthly payment. A longer repayment period means a lower monthly repayment amount, with less repayment pressure. However, it also means a higher total interest.

  6. IVA, an abbreviation for Individual Voluntary Arrangement, is a debt restructuring scheme. An applicant who fails to pay off debt according to the original repayment terms can appoint an accountant or a lawyer as a nominee to apply to the Court for IVA and negotiate with the creditors for a new repayment plan that is affordable.

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