雅虎香港 搜尋


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    • 1. online fraud, internet fraud

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  2. noun. uk / frɔːd / us / frɑːd / fraud noun (CRIME) Add to word list. C2 [ C or U ] the crime of getting money by deceiving people. 詐騙(罪) credit card fraud 信用卡詐騙. He is fighting extradition to Hong Kong to face trial on fraud charges. 他正在力爭免於被引渡到香港就詐騙指控接受審判。 减少例句. She is suspected of complicity in the fraud.

  3. a dishonest plan for making money or getting an advantage, especially one that involves tricking people. 欺詐,詐騙. Banks often carry information about email scams on their websites. To avoid scams, never sign things in a hurry. an insurance scam 保險詐騙. 减少例句. There was an investigation to see who was behind the scam.

  4. 中心於二零一七年七月二十日正式啟用,並設立一條二十四小時電話諮詢熱線「防易18222」,為市民提供即時諮詢及為警隊前線單位加強支援服務,以便更有效處理懷疑騙案

  5. 2015年8月4日 · 警方揭發電騙案中案,一名經「輸入內地專業人才計劃」來港的姓張(29歲)金融分析師,今年7月21日遇上電,於約一個月內,分100次共將1100萬港元存入中港11個銀行戶口,至8月28日方驚覺受騙報警。

  6. 2020年12月24日 · 詐騙、欺騙、坑害、敲竹槓...英文怎麼說?本篇文章要教學三個英文片語,分別是:prey on、 rip off、 fall for。這三個英文片語都跟犯罪、欺騙有關。如果你還不知道這三個英文片語的中文意思,那就趕快學起來吧!

  7. to persuade someone that something false is the truth, or to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage: The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones. 該公司用舊電腦冒充新機器欺騙顧客。 fool uk / fuːl/ us / fuːl/ B2 verb. to trick someone: Don't be fooled by his appearance. 別被他的外表給騙了。 trick uk / trɪk/ us / trɪk/ B2 verb.

  8. Many translated example sentences containing "詐騙" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  9. ( legal) case incident record file table. scam , fraud ,

  10. 欺詐, 詐騙. "scam" 例句. She was scammed by a man who said he was collecting money for charity. 她被一名聲稱替慈善機構募款的男人給詐騙。. "scam" 相關課程教材. For example, some sellers sent the fraud experts to scam websites. 例如,有些賣家會把詐騙專家導向詐騙網站。. 瀏覽教材. Once ...

  11. 最典型的例子,如利用虛假身份發放 欺 騙 的 電 子郵件或用釣魚網站去 欺 騙 用 戸 ,從而獲得他們的信任;又或者會利用有趣的話題或流行的新聞做主題,使收件者放下戒心打開受惡意程式感染的附件,或者點擊有問題的網絡連結。

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