雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 高級文憑課程part time 相關

  2. 課程涵蓋人文學科、商科、社會科學、運動教練及領袖學,多元化內容助學生繼續升學或投身社會. 可銜接本地或海外大學的學士學位,配合升學出路。設立入學、升學及其他獎學金,立即報名!

    • 立即申請課程



    • 課程入學資格



    • 提供豐富獎學金



    • 副學士課程



  3. 成功修畢相當於DSE五科二級資歷,可投考多個公務員職位。歡迎中六離校生及年滿21歲人士報讀。 課程範疇多元,涵蓋商學、教育、紀律部隊、旅遊及款待、人文學科、藝術、設計等等。了解更多。

  4. 上個月有 超過 1 萬 名用戶曾瀏覽 hkma.org.hk

    課程特設中/英文班. 立即登記免費課程講座


  1. 如何邊工作邊學習日文?. 在日生活多年的外國人推薦彈性課表. 當我回想起我在日本的這8年,最讓我感到挫折的莫過於我曾經覺得自己沒辦法用日文跟任何人溝通,而且因為這樣,我覺得自己在這個國家彷彿被隔離,自己一點也不獨立,非常無助。. 為了改變 ...

  2. 2019年12月25日 · Check out some of these seasonal jobs that are always hiring temporary workers during the holiday season! 3. Christmas Cake Seller. Although the Christmas season may seem very short, the demand for Christmas cakes during this time is very high in Japan. A lot of cake shops throughout the country will recruit temporary staff each year to help ...

  3. 2019年10月29日 · 4. Once your application is done, the school will submit the visa application to the Immigration Bureau in Japan. It can take up to three months or so to hear back. 5. If approved, the school will send you the CoE. 6. Take the CoE, a recent passport photo and your passport to your local Japanese embassy or consulate. 7.

  4. 2018年8月17日 · Students & Class Sizes. As all Japanese students have compulsory English classes for six years in secondary school (and, since April 2011, the last two years of primary school), many students can read the language and understand basic grammar structures. However, they rarely have the opportunity to utilize conversational English in the classroom.

  5. 2017年4月22日 · 自从与妻子搬回日本,总是抽不出时间学习日文的本文作者是如何克服日语学习的重重障碍呢? 于是我决定去念三个月一期的语言学校,我找了间位在隔壁城市,由县政府设立的语言学校。 2012年当时的学费仅需要1000日币(约10元美元),其中包括注册费与教科书,虽然很便宜但是最让人头痛的是在 ...

  6. 2017年1月26日 · Here are 12 things you can pick up at the ¥100 shop to make your move-in that much easier on your wallet! 12. Hooks. We always need little hooks for knickknacks and whatnots. They're easily found at ¥100 shops, available with sticker backs, suction cups or tiny nails. The sticker versions are to be avoided, though—you don't want to be ...

  7. 2017年8月11日 · Charlie Moritz came to Japan in summer 2012, barely knowing how to read hiragana and with no teaching qualifications or experience. Fast forward five years and he's now freelancing as a web developer in Tokyo, teaching part-time at two schools and making ...