雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 為了更深入了解女性的信心程度、資產和行業偏好,以及風險胃納有否受疫情影響,我們就香港、新加坡及中國內地大眾富裕階層女性的投資行為作出研究。 「我們的研究顯示,亞洲大眾富裕階層女性較以往變得更熱衷於投資,信心有所提升,理財知識也更為豐富。 」滙豐環球及亞太區個人銀行兼卓越理財方案主管王浩靜表 指出。 「不論處於哪個人生階段,她們都變得更加財政獨立,對自身、家庭及未來有更多抱負。 越來越多女性參與投資,從她們的成功我們可獲得甚麼啟示? 女性投資者以往予人較保守的印象,這想法早已不合時宜,在投資上的性別差距亦續漸收窄。 最新的數據顯示,在同等收入或投資經驗的女性,其投資股票的金額與男性相約。

  2. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings. Beware of apps from sources other than your phone’s official app stores which may contain malware. From ...

  3. 支持女性創業者及企業家. 滙豐尚玉向多位傑出女性企業家了解創業之道,助您踏出創業和業務拓展之旅。. 憑藉滙豐的龐大網絡,滙豐尚玉致力與女性企業家攜手實現創業夢。.

  4. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with online banking 24/7, mortgages, savings, investments, credits cards, loans and insurance.

    • 黃劍文老婆1
    • 黃劍文老婆2
    • 黃劍文老婆3
    • 黃劍文老婆4
  5. 2018 HSBC New Series Hong Kong Banknotes. HSBC’s 2018 new series incorporates a unique design narrative that connects Hong Kong’s people, landmarks and nature to showcase the facets of life in Hong Kong. Facets of life in Hong Kong are portrayed through the interaction between people, as well as between people and nature.

  6. 滙豐One. 一個綜合理財銀行戶口集港元儲蓄及往來戶口、12種貨幣儲蓄戶口(包括人民幣)、定期存款及投資戶口於一身. 透過網上及流動理財,一手掌握存款、投資、保險及強積金狀況. 提供全新理財工具、方案及支援,幫你規劃更好未來. 用支援多種貨幣滙豐 ...

  7. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...