雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hall of Fame. This is the ultimate recognition and highest honour bestowed by AIA on our agency force. By having truly impressive loyalty, he / she has also committed to offering suitable financial protection and wealth management solutions and services to customers according to their discerning needs. *1.33 points will be counted for each ...

  2. 直接存賬. 1 AIA Alpha 由獨立第三方公司– 亞太軟件有限公司 (“APSoft”)提供,並只適用於擁有最少10名僱員的企業。. AIA Alpha的使用受限於條款及細則。. 詳情請參閱相關宣傳單張。. 友邦強積金服務能協助你的僱員累積退休儲備,讓僱員享受退休生活。. 作為僱主 ...

  3. Hall of Honour. This designation is to recognize the AIA Representatives who has made distinguished achievement by attaining the fifth-term membership of AIA's most prestigious overseas convention. He / She is regarded as the best breed among AIA's agency force and this award also serves as a recognition of his / her incredible efforts in ...

  4. 致電我們 友邦保險(國際)有限公司 (香港分行) 星期一至五上午9時正至晚上6時正 星期六上午9時正至下午1時正 星期日及公眾假期休息 友邦雋峰人壽有限公司 星期一至五上午9時正至下午6時正 星期六、日及公眾假期休息

  5. 得獎名單. 5位優勝者終於出爐喇,每位優勝者都可以獲得100萬港元友邦想創基金展開社創之旅! 友邦香港及澳門首席執行官馮偉昌先生 ()、友邦香港及澳門首席客戶及市場策劃官黃靄敏女士 (左三)頒贈友邦想創基金俾5位優勝者。 恭喜晒以下5位優勝者: Turzo : 智能視障之眼. Florence : 智能導盲腰帶. Gary : 社區互動回收車. Comma : 共融設計平台. Jojo : 智慧輪椅. 再次衷心感謝每一位友邦想創基金參加者! 請繼續為你哋嘅社創夢奮鬥,為社會做好事。 計劃詳情. 資助項目. 以創新形式(產品、服務或其他方案)為香港帶來社會效益嘅諗法,例如: 以創新手法提升生活質素(如解決病人或殘疾人士的生活不便、促進身心靈健康、減少碳排放、推動可持續發展等)

  6. AIA strives to bring together employee benefits, workforce wellness, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) in a powerful way that resonates with employees and employers, and supports employers in their journey from traditional employer-provided insurance to a programme of benefits that work together and support their employees in ...

  7. AIA一直致力為企業客戶及其員工提供優質貼心的強積金服務,包括多元化投資選擇、全面強積金方案、簡易便捷的管理工具及從心而發的客戶服務,助您輕鬆履行強積金責任,是您可靠的強積金夥伴。. 成為AIA客戶. 履行供款責任. 處理其他強積金行政工作. 對 ...

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