雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年3月5日 · 黃子佼 和孟耿如 從2013年開始交往以來感情始終相當穩定,終於在今天早上正式升格夫妻檔,到戶政事務所登記結婚了! 小倆口一早分別在臉書上曬 ...

  2. 2022年8月18日 · 星聞直擊. 電影戲劇. 《非常律師禹英禑》「原班人馬」開拍第2季!. 預計「姜泰伍退伍」後2024年開播,有望翻拍成美劇!. Allie Hsieh. 2022年的超級大 ...

  3. 2019年6月13日 · 為梧桐妹畢業照合影:「放下是送給孩子最好的禮物」. 賈靜雯離婚9年破天荒同框前夫!. 為梧桐妹畢業照合影:「放下是送給孩子最好的禮物 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 2018年12月10日 · 女主角懷孕自殺、牙醫甘願「被設計」為愛犧牲. 完全不敢再看韓版《比悲傷更悲傷的故事》一次!. 《比悲傷更悲傷的故事》 上映至今全台票房破 ...

    • Drunk in Likes
    • Oversharing's Caring
    • #Irl
    • What’s in A like?
    • So What Is This Doing to Us?

    There’s a very simple reason a like on social media feels so good. It gives us a high - a real, physiological high - and it’s fundamentally the reason we keep going back to it. “It’s a reward cycle, you get a squirt of dopamine every time you get a like or a positive response on social media,” explains psychologist Emma Kenny, who I cornered with m...

    But it’s not just good news flooding our feeds. What about the losses, the failures, the race to share the remarkably un-happy moments? With dopamine mainlining itself from phone to brain, some people are just as keen to share the difficult sides of their life as they are the highlights. This, says Kenny, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. “For life ev...

    That’s all well and good in certain times of need, but what happens when virtual likes become more important to a person than being liked in real life? “I have, and often still do, delete pictures if they’re not popular enough,” Cosmopolitan UKstaffer Lucy admits. Back in the days when Instagram used to list usernames as opposed to a number when a ...

    Comedian Zach Broussard proved this in an interesting social experiment he carried out two years ago. Despite having a long-term girlfriend of several years, he set up a fake engagement shoot and posted a photograph of him ‘proposing’ to a complete stranger – a model he’d hired for the purposes of the experiment – on social media. He got hundreds o...

    Social media certainly has its benefits; it can create opportunities, help people to maintain relationships and can also prevent loneliness for people who might otherwise be very isolated. But used in the wrong way, social media can cause a multitude of mental health and self-esteem issues. A recent report suggests that there’s a risk it can actual...

  6. 2020年11月21日 · 關於金馬新人陳昊森你一定要知道的五件事!. 身上藏大片刺青背後意義超感人、喜歡的理想型公開. 年僅24歲的新生代演員陳昊森因為在《刻在你 ...

  7. 2023年3月26日 · 校園爆笑羅曼史展開. 《殭屍校園2》尹燦榮上演BL劇《黑幫的我成了高中生》!. 當黑幫老大與高中生互換身體,爆笑羅曼史展開. 接下來的尹燦榮 ...