雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 輕鬆找到我們. 客戶服務中心. 香港. 灣仔分行. 香港灣仔告士打道138號聯合鹿島大廈8樓803-805室. 服務時間. 星期一至五: 9:00am - 6:00pm. 電話: 2996 2555. 傳真: 3514 4275. 九龍. 旺角分行. 九龍旺角彌敦道625號雅蘭中心2期17樓1701室. 服務時間. 星期一至五: 9:00am - 6:00pm. 星期六: 9:30am - 12:30pm. 電話: 2996 2688. 傳真: 2702 3318. 如有任何查詢,歡迎隨時致電 29962688與我們的客戶服務聯絡!

  2. 立即體驗網上即時批核服務,二按最快1日現金到手,KO周轉煩惱。 不限物業類型及樓齡. 24小時批核。

  3. 小心借钱陷阱. 常见问题. 招聘人才. 「樓換樓Fast Pass」將現有物業套現,同步掌握心儀物業估價及貸款額並即時獲批!. 提供物業一按二按,貸款額無上限!.

  4. EN|繁|简. Flexible Redraw Facility. Revolving loans provide customers with pre-approved credit lines which they can repeatedly draw for managing ongoing expenses or cash flow. Interest is charged on a daily basis, but no interest is charged on the unused credit limit which is restored automatically upon each repayment.

  5. 劉先生 -咖啡店老闆 自僱人士只需簡單收入證明 作為咖啡店老闆的劉先生是家中唯一經濟支柱,受2019新型冠狀病毒病疫情影響,收入銳減。他希望透過銀行將時值7,200,000港元的已抵押物業加按,但由於收入減少及欠缺足夠的入息證明,申請即時被拒。

  6. You can transfer the money from the approved credit limit into your designated bank account via internet anytime, anywhere. The credit line can be reused upon every repayment on the used amount, without the hassle of re-applying and interest is calculated on the outstanding amount only on a daily basis. 尽享高达85%高成数按揭贷款 ...

  7. Our professional mortgage consultant welcomes the opportunity to offer you an initial consultation. Get in touch with us via our contact form, email, phone or fax us or visit our branch during business hours. Kowloon

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