雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 和服的束腰被稱為「帶」(讀作Obi)。男用的帶樣子扎實,顏色以灰藍三色為主,圖案絕不花哨,男用腰帶的種類主要有3種,分別是角帶, 兵兒帶和三尺帶。與此相對,女性的腰帶設計比較多樣化,有的甚至分好幾層,用料,圖案,繩紐的選擇也相當考究,款式上主要有丸帶跟袋帶兩種。

  2. 2016年3月16日 · Scandal's seventh studio album, 'Yellow,' follows the tried-and-tested pop-rock formula while occasionally delving into a grittier side of the band we haven't heard before. With six studio albums and a successful world tour under their belt, there's no doubt that Scandal ...

  3. 2015年8月26日 · 日本武士加入黑暗势力!. 相信很多星战粉都知道,达斯维达和风暴士兵的头盔都是以日本武士的造型为灵感设计的。. 你有没有像想过风暴士兵穿越到封建时期的日本,为他们的将军达斯维达誓死而战的场景呢?. 日本Bandai和Tamashi这次新出的模型,可以说是实现 ...

  4. 這裡有不少不怕接觸人類的尾鷗,牠們規矩有禮,不會上前掠奪食物,而是乖乖的等待人們主動餵食。 尾鷗的靈敏程度讓人大感訝異。 幾乎所有的尾鷗都能輕而易舉的在空中接住食物。

  5. 中目、代官山及惠比壽,三個相距不遠的地方,共同點是讓人感到愜意放鬆,但彼此間卻也都有著不同的特色,去之前怕時間不夠,還一度猶豫是不是要放棄其中一個地方,但實際走後發現一個白天很足夠,很推薦大家可以把這三個地點排在一起喔!

  6. 2022年9月21日 · Butoh (舞踏), also referred to as Ankoku Butoh (暗黒舞踏, “dance of darkness”), is a somewhat inscrutable, avant-garde form of Japanese dance theater that's defined by its ability to avoid categorization and standard definition. It encompasses a wide variety of movements, activities and aesthetic practices into a performance art perhaps unlike any other.

  7. 2016年1月18日 · Who in Marvel or DC Can Defeat Saitama? So Saitama, Superman, Batman, Captain America and Iron Man all walk into a bar. What happens next is a little messy. South Korean freelance artist Lee Woo-chul brings those very characters into his first piece of art for 2016. He presents an interesting question, since we just don’t know how strong ...

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