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  1. 01 tax demand note 中文 相關

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  1. If the borrower is a sole proprietor or is engaged in a partnership, the business's accounts and tax demand notes (usually for the past three years) and bank statements are usually required. 2. a. A company's tax demand note is always the first document a bank wants to obtain as proof of income.

  2. 本指南旨在幚助香港房地産中介讓其客戶知悉在英國購買住宅房地產的相關義務。 本指南並非要求房地產中介向客戶提供稅務諮詢。 本指南可與客戶分享。 英國住宅房地產稅務 – 房地產中介指南. 能向非英國居民在購買英國住宅房地產時徵收的主要稅種為: 土地稅 (Stamp Duty Land Tax, SDLT) – 土地稅應向購買者於交易時徵收。 買房必須先從HMRC取得土地稅已付證書,才能與地政局 (Land Registry) 登記地契。 所得稅 (Income Tax, IT) – 所得稅應向出租住宅地產和開發住宅房地產所獲收益徵收。 有關如何繳納英國所得稅的信息,請參見:https://www.gov.uk/self-assessment-tax-returns。

  3. Bank. 3. Bank submits the verified copy of identity proof and other supporting documents to the HKMC (refer to page. 3). 4. HKMC performs the credit assessment in relation to MIP eligibility criteria and the bank will receive the relevant documents from the HKMC for successful application. The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited. In general ...

  4. 1. 查閱物業的全部差餉地租結餘,方法是使用物業資訊網(www.rvdpi.gov.hk)的「查詢差餉及╱或地租帳目資料」服務,或填妥表格RVD 1009。 市民可透過估價署熱線取得表格,或從該署網站下載。 2. 確保物業成交前繳清所有差餉地租。 3. 物業成交後盡快通知估價署,以便更新登記繳納人的姓名和╱或通訊地址。 欠繳差餉地租的後果. 最後繳款日期過後,繳納人即時被加徵5%附加費。 如過期逾六個月,繳納人再被加徵10%附加費,政府並可採取法律行動追收欠款。 如物業有欠繳地租(包括業權轉易前所累欠的),政府有權根據《政府土地權(重收及轉歸補救)條例》(第126章)收回有關物業。 業主須付出額外費用,才能取回該物業。 本文由差餉物業估價署供稿。

  5. www.eaa.org.hk › en-us › Information-CentreMortgage Documents - EAA

    2. Facility letter. When a loan is approved, the bank will usually issue a facility letter to the borrower. The facility letter will set out the amount, interest rate and tenor of the mortgage loan and other terms and conditions of the loan. 3.

  6. Contents of a Tenancy Agreement. A tenancy agreement will contain what the landlord and the tenant have agreed to be their rights and duties. However, in common law, certain rights and duties will be implied in a tenancy even if the tenancy agreement does not expressly provide for the same. The general legal principle is that such implied ...

  7. www.eaa.org.hk › zh-hk › Information-Centre(5) Assignment - EAA

    轉讓契是一份將物業的業權在法律上由賣方轉讓給買方的文件。. 轉讓契需要以契據形式制訂並由買方律師負責預備(賣方律師可提出修改)。. 簽立轉讓契的日期應與物業買賣完成的日期相同。. <<上一頁. 下一頁>>. (5) Assignment.

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