雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. complaint@eaa.org.hk YouTube Channel Search Register | Login 2111 2777 enquiry@eaa.org.hk complaint@eaa.org.hk YouTube Channel Home About EAA About EAA Milestones Vision and mission Membership Standing Committees Organisational chart ...

  2. www.eaa.org.hk › zh-hk › Information-CentreInformation Centre - EAA

    enquiry@eaa.org.hk complaint@eaa.org.hk YouTube 頻道 搜尋 註冊 | 登入 2111 2777 enquiry@eaa.org.hk complaint@eaa.org.hk 主頁 關於監管局 關於監管局 里程碑 抱負及使命 監管局成員 常設委員會 組織架構 機構管治 ...

  3. CIRCULARS. Circular No. 05-08 (CR) Sale and Purchase of Property by way of Transfer of Shares. It has come to the attention of the Authority that some practitioners have arranged for their clients to enter into an agreement for sale and purchase of shares in a limited company which holds a property. Under such arrangement, the vendor (s) (being ...

  4. Circular No. 03-08 (CR) June 2003. Execution of Deeds by Corporations. A deed executed by a limited company shall have been executed in accordance with its articles of association and sealed with the company seal. In perusing title documents executed by corporations, solicitors would check if they are executed in accordance with the relevant ...

  5. 2017年9月25日 · 2. 沒有遵守《操守守則》第3.4.1段 - 在安排租客就該物業簽署該臨約前,沒有向租客提供該物業的土地查冊結果的文本. 3. 沒有遵守《操守守則》第3.2.1段 – 在安排租客公司的代表簽署該臨約時,沒有將刻有「For and on behalf of (租客公司的名稱)」的字樣的公司 ...

  6. (HK$)1 Flat rate2 Rates at Scale 13,4 Rates at Scale 23,5 Value of the property (HK$)1 Rates at Scale 23,6 Below $2M 15% 1.50% $100 Below $3M $100 $2M –$2.2M (Scale 1) $2M –$2.4M (Scale 2) $30,000 + 20% of excess over $2M $100 + 10% of $3M –$3

  7. 財務報表 Financial Statements 地產代理監管局 2018-19 年報 139 儲備變動表 截至2019年3月31日止年度 總計 Total 港元 HK$ 於2017年4月1日 At 1 April 2017 169,589,961 年內盈餘 Surplus for the year 7,114,092 於2018年3月31日及2018年4月1日 At 31 March