雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 經Citi PayAll 用信用卡繳付日常支出,例如租金、水電煤、保費、學費、電話費等等都得,仲可以賺信用卡積分/回贈。 設定埋 每月自動付款就唔驚遲交啦! 唔使即時用手頭上嘅現金,可以長達58日先找數! 只須幾Click就輕鬆搞掂,同用網上銀行過數一樣咁簡單! Citi PayAll 可繳交之付款用途. 點用Citi PayAll繳費? 付款至銀行賬戶. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 付款至指定商戶. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 想預設定期付款又唔想錯過交費限期,就要記住4日前設定繳費. 假設有一筆洗費需要2023年6月30日繳交,咁您就要4個工作天前喺Citi Mobile ® App設定 呢筆繳費: 6月27日 設定繳費.

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  2. Citi積分兌換全新登陸九巴club1933! 日日都要搭巴士返工、返學嘅您,想慳多啲交通費? 依家可以用Citi積分搭巴士喇! 上最受歡迎嘅App1933憑Citi積分兌換至club1933積分,再轉換成eCoin,喺超過4,000架九巴及龍運巴士, 上車就可以即刻用嚟畀錢! club1933積分仲可以換領其他九巴禮品! 簡單幾步將Citi積分兌換九巴club1933積分/九巴club1933積分轉換成eCoin. Citi積分兌換九巴club1933積分. 於App1933手機應用程式登入club1933九巴會員計劃,並選擇「積分轉換」,將Citi積分兌換至club1933積分. 輸入您的Citi信用卡1最後4位數字作身份驗證2. 選擇您想兌換的club1933積分數量.

  3. 已登記特選客戶於推廣期內經Citibank網頁或Citi Mobile®流動理財手機程式或電話理財服務熱線成功申請並獲批核提高Citi信用卡主卡信貸限額(「指定 客戶」),並以任何認可信用卡累積HK$3,000或以上之合資格零售簽賬,可獲享HK$150惠康超級市場購物禮券

  4. Be a smart taxpayer – pay tax with designated Citi Credit Cards* to earn up to HK$500 rebate! With Citi PayAll, you can pay tax in just a few taps at Citi Mobile ® App and earn basic credit card points/ rebate by choosing to pay service fee for the payment. Tax Payment Rewards with Citi Credit Cards.

  5. www1.citibank.com.hk › chinese › credit-cardswww1.citibank.com.hk


  6. 出糧戶口 股票服務 定期存款優惠 環球理財 人民幣服務 支票及儲蓄 綜合貨幣戶口 Citibank 萬事達卡 ® 扣賬卡 Citibank Global Wallet 繳付賬單及轉賬 虛擬扣賬卡/信用卡

  7. For early settlement in full for these programs for whatever reason, the following will become immediately due and payable: (a) the total outstanding loan amount and (b) an early cancellation fee equivalent to 4% of outstanding principal amount. Example: For a loan Amount of HK$100,000 with 12 monthly installments of HK$8,823.33 and a monthly flat rate of 0.49%.

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