雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港會議展覽中心金紫荊廣場的升旗禮 | 下一站香港旅遊攻略. 如果你習慣早起或者有興趣,你可以去香港會議展覽中心的金紫荊廣場看看香港的升旗儀式。 這裡每天都會有香港警務處負責舉行升旗儀式,升中國國旗和香港區旗,奏中國國歌。 香港的升旗儀式分為幾種: 1. 每天升旗儀式在早上7:50-8:03舉行 (每個月的1號除外)。 你將有機會體驗到和中國升旗儀仗隊不一樣的著裝。 每個月的第二個星期日,儀式會由不同的香港青年團體(如香港男童軍,香港女子隊或香港海事青年團)負責完成。 此外,會有現場樂隊表演。 2. 每個月的1號 (除了7月和10月)會有加強內容的升旗儀式。 升旗儀式會在早上7:45-8:13舉行(比平時長10分鐘)。 所有的儀仗警務人員都會穿上禮服,包括配備長槍的槍隊隊員。

  2. 如何前往香港會議展覽中心和金紫荊廣場:. 從尖沙咀出發:. 最方便的方式就是搭乘天星小輪到灣仔。. 下船之後你會看見香港會展中心就在你的右手邊。. 步行5-10分鐘,你就可以抵達金紫荊廣場了。. 香港會議展覽中心比鄰維多利亞港,在維港美麗的景色和 ...

  3. MACAU. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center is located at Victoria Harbor front and close to the Golden Bauhinia Square. The Hong Kong official flag raising ceremony is held daily here.

  4. SHOPPING. HOTEL. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Where to enjoy Hong Kong fireworks display? The best locations are on along Victoria Harbour, from fireworks harbour tours, from Peak, in harbour-view restaurants and hotels, rooftop bars. Remember to secure a spot in advance.

  5. MACAU. AIA Hong Kong Observation Wheel (HKOW) finally reopened in Central. The Ferris Wheel is Hong Kong’s latest attraction, providing a new panorama view from 60-meter height ride.

  6. The first Gudetama character themed restaurant Gudetama Café by Izumi Curry opens in YATA Hong Kong, serving designed food and mechandises.

  7. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB), opens in October 2018 and gives Hong Kong another travel option to Macau besides speed ferry. This world's longest sea crossing connects Hong Kong with Macau and Zhuhai, shortening traveling time via shuttle buses, taxi and cross border buses from 1 hour to 30min.