雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年10月6日 · Zojoji Temple is an impressive temple complex housing the tombs of six Tokugawa shoguns. Its main gate, Sangedatsumon, stands out as an imposing representation of traditional Buddhist architecture in the middle of central Tokyo, and the only temple structure to have survived the bombings of WW2.

  2. 2024年4月30日 · Kurayami Matsuri (Darkness Festival) 3-1 Miyamachi, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo. 2024-4-30 - 2024-5-6. Updated: April 1, 2024. Okunitama-jinja Shrine, located in the center of Fuchu, is one of the oldest and best-known shrines in Tokyo. The zelkova trees on the path to the shrine are designated Natural Monuments. Surrounded by greenery, the shrine is much ...

  3. 2024年2月3日 · Setsubun is a traditional bean-throwing event held at shrines and temples across Japan. It marks the end of winter. First held for the common people at Sensoji Temple, this large event was memorialized in a legendary old guide to the famous places in Edo (Tokyo's historic name). Usually participants shout "Demons out; fortune in!"

  4. 2023年12月14日 · Follow families to Zoshigaya Kishimojindo Temple to worship the goddess of safe birth and child rearing, Kishimojin. People also visit this illuminated cultural property to wish for household safety, removal of bad luck, and academic success. The temple celebrates events with large and small festivals throughout the year.

  5. 2023年11月14日 · 「國立代代木競技場」是為1964年東京奧運會而建,其屋頂懸掛結構造型精美,是建築師丹下健三的代表作。 第一體育館的建築擁有高張力的屋頂懸掛結構,擁有圓錐形頂棚的第二體育館則是巧妙的搗碎器造型的體育館,其造型之精美在國際上也享有盛譽。 2021年,該競技場被指定為國家重要文化遺產。 現在被用於舉辦各種體育賽事及文化盛會。 第一體育館還被用於2021年的東京2020奧運會及殘奧會的會場。 原宿站JR山手線步行5分鐘. 網站. 東京西部. 原宿. 東京西部. 澀谷. 關鍵詞. 運動・健身. 設備服務. 廁所飲食設施吸菸區. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京西部 > 在時尚聖地原宿迎接「卡哇伊」文化的洗禮 > 國立代代木競技場.

  6. 2020年10月29日 · Ginza Six. Ginza Six is the largest retail space in Ginza. Opened in 2017, it was designed by the legendary architect Yoshio Taniguchi, famous for his redesign of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Inside you’ll find works of art by prominent contemporary artists from Japan and other lands, curated in collaboration with the Mori Art Museum.

  7. 2024年2月8日 · The Bunkyo Plum Blossom Festival takes place at Yushima Tenmangu (also known as Yushima Tenjin), a shrine that's been known as a spot for plum blossom-viewing for hundreds of years. The shrine has over 300 plum trees that are spectacular in bloom, many of them with the white blossom of the Shirokaga variety.