雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 海星燒小廚 譚家菜 囍悅酒樓 凱泰餐飲有限公司(繼光香香雞) 來發館 金豪肥牛豬骨煲避風塘小炒 高高酒家 百利火鍋海鮮酒家 YUET LAI SHUN(旺角粵來順) 有口福車仔麵 椰林春天 中哥廚房 壽桃牌私房菜 十二 新華苑蒸氣火鍋 一品火鍋 (上水) 黃元興 半島漁港

  2. 三滙系統工程有限公司 3DS Systems Engineering Limited. (下稱 “3DS”) 自創立以來緊貼不斷變化的科技發展, 適應千變萬化的業務環境致力為中小企業提供低成本高效能的綜合資訊科技服務。. 過去的日子3DS 已為不同行業提供多項資訊科技顧問服務,3DS 為中小企提供 ...

  3. The 3DS public address system includes microphones, speakers and other related equipment. The 3DS public address system is particularly suitable for small places, such as retail stores, school auditoriums, churches and small bars, to issue announcements or promotional messages. 地址. 香港觀塘偉業街.

    • What Is A Video Conference System?
    • Harnessing The Capabilities of Video Conferencing
    • Benefits of A Video Conferencing System For Hong Kong Companies
    • Modes of A Video Conference

    Video Conferencing Hong Kong is a visual communication session between two or more users, no matter where they are, it is characterized by the real-time transmission of audio and video content.

    In order to fully harness the benefits and convenience of remote meeting sessions, enterprises need to set up video and audio conferencing software and hardware solutions at locations such as conference rooms, workstations, or even mobile devices. A video conference system typically includes an endpoint (such as an individual PC workstation or a te...

    1. Saves time & cost You can conduct video conferences remotely with colleagues or customers around the work directly from your desktop or meeting room. With the help of video conferencing solutions, you will not waste time and money on business travel, while also cutting down on meeting or management costs. 2. Ease of use All users need to do is t...

    Common nowadays, there are two main mode types of video conference systems: point-to-point video calling and multipoint video conferencing. As the name suggests, point-to-point video calls are essentially a dedicated session between two users. On the other hand, multipoint (or group) video conferences are sessions with more than two users. The mult...

  4. The 3DS Digital Surveillance System has extraordinary flexibility and control capabilities. The system is reliable and can record video all day long. 3DS Digital Surveillance System can also connect multiple CCTV cameras to a PC to record on the HDD. You can choose to watch multiple screens at the same time or watch only one screen at a time.

  5. 總公司地址 觀塘偉業街136號永發隆工業大廈5樓全層 維修部設於6樓全層 (牛頭角港鐵站B6出口勵業街直行轉左偉業街)

  6. 1.節省時間. 您可以直接從座位或會議室與身處不同地方的同事、供應商或客戶進行遙距模式會議。 借助視像方案,您可減少不必要的商務出差,節省時間和金錢,減少更多活動管理成本。 2.易於使用. 您只需要安排遙距視像會議,並邀請同事一起參加會議! 您的會議軟件還將向您發送通知,以提醒您出席會議。 另外,系統的界面非常人性化,不需要額外的培訓。 3.協作工具. 為了提高工作效率,視像會議系統通常具有不同的協作工具,例如內容和屏幕共享,幻燈片放映和即時消息傳遞。 協作工具使多個用戶可以在一個項目上一起工作,共享結果並集思廣益。 4. 對現實生活的印象. 與電話交談相比,視像會議具有視覺接觸功能,因此更接近真實生活。