雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 門票信息: 天際100香港觀景台的票價從港幣$ 142起 (網上訂票)。如果是即場買票,成人票價為港幣$ 168。兒童票 (3-11歲)和長者票 (65歲以上)的價格為港幣$ 118 (即場購票)和港幣$ 100 (網上購票)。網上購買可享受15%的折扣。. 天際100香港觀景台票務大堂. 天際100香港觀景台入場券. 前兩年除了普通門票,還可以購買 貴賓快速通行證,價格為港幣$ 500。這個通行證不但可以保證你一定能夠當天不用排隊入場,而且你還可以獲得一份獨家紀念品。此外,還會有一個天際100香港觀景台的親善大使全程提供導賞服務。雖然這個通行證價格不菲,但是如果你在香港只停留有限的時間,又不想浪費時間排隊,你就可以考慮購買這個通行證。不過可惜,天際100現在沒有這樣的優惠了。.

  2. 無論你是在香港的哪個角落,在你附近一定能找到一家點心餐廳。 如果你不知道哪裡有,記得向你的酒店前台詢問。 傳統的點心有酸,有甜,有辣,有咸,有熱有冷,有蒸有炸。 你一定能找到一款你愛的口味。 香港飲茶之小籠包. 傳統的港式點心有春卷,叉燒包,鮮蝦燒賣,腸粉等(你可以瀏覽我們介紹“ 港式點心 ”的文章獲得更多的印象)。 你可以匆匆忙忙的吃完早茶,也可以悠閒的看看報紙,慢慢享用。 好多香港的本地人利用早茶的時間和家人聚一聚,或者拿上一份報紙,品著茶享受早餐。 不過既然我們只有一天的時間,不妨安排得緊湊些。 飽飽一頓早餐後,我們就展開一天的旅程。 天星小輪或叮叮電車. 尖沙咀天星小輪. 如果你住在九龍區(例如尖沙咀,紅磡或旺角),我們建議你在尖沙咀維港乘坐 天星小輪 一游。

  3. Enjoy birds’eye views of spectacular skyline of Hong Kong – One should not miss. Victoria Peak offers amazing, spectacular, stunning – or as some would put it – jaw-dropping views of Hong Kong by day and night. From the Peak, you can enjoy a view of Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong skyline as well as Hong Kong Island South.

  4. The five elements are Metal (Luxury brands and world-class dining), Fire (Entertainment), Water (International cuisine), Earth (Fashion) and Wood (Health, Beauty and Lifestyle) whereas each zone is individually designed. Elements shopping mall is an upscale shopping mall combining the world’s most prestigious and famous brands.

  5. 攻略寶典 – 內行人帶你游香港. 香港作為國際化大都市,在這裡你可以觀光,購物,體驗中西方文化的合璧。. 在你計劃你的香港之行之前,不妨看看我們和你分享的我們對香港的瞭解和一些旅行Tip,無論你是想購買最新款的電子產品,又或者你是Hello Kitty的 ...

  6. The Goldfish Market is one of the most important, fascinating and unique street markets in Hong Kong. Located on Tung Choi Street, multitudes of boxes, tanks and bags of aquatic creatures turn this place into a giant colourful aquarium. Be prepared for the incredible vision of thousands of bagged aquatic animals of all sizes and shapes.

  7. Situated between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula, Victoria Harbour provided shelter and enough depths for big trading vessels, containerships and cruise ships and became one of the busiest ports of the world. Relax after a busy shopping or sightseeing day, sit down and take your time to enjoy the view.