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  2. 該項新療法是卑詩十年癌症護理行動計劃(10-year Cancer Care Action Plan)的一部分,今年省府的預算中撥出 2.7 億元,用於在三年內對抗癌症。 卑詩十年癌症護理行動還包括改善獲得宮頸癌篩檢、HPV 疫苗、放射治療和專門癌症護理的機會。

  3. 2024年3月26日 · 【明報專訊】聯邦衛生部長霍蘭(Mark Holland)正在巡迴向加拿大牙醫和衛生保健專家推銷加拿大牙科保健計劃(Canadian Dental Care Plan,CDCP),因為今年5月該計劃將落實,但註冊牙科醫護並不積極參與。 牙科保健計劃首批對象為65歲以上人士。

  4. 明報加拿大 Ming Pao Newspapers (Canada) Ltd. - Toronto Office. 1355 Huntingwood Dr, Scarborough, ON M1S 3J1. 電話 Tel: (416) 321-0088. 傳真 Fax: (416) 321-5377. 電郵 E-mail: classified@mingpaotor.com. 提供表格後將會有專員聯絡。. A specialist will be in contact with you shortly after submitting this form. Submit. Clear form.

  5. 2023年4月24日 · 英譯概念:Retirement protection. Hong Kong has a serious population aging problem. If citizens do not have enough savings for retirement, not only will their quality of life be affected, but it will also increase the government's financial burden. 【明報專訊】In the 2021 Policy Address, it was proposed the government would further ...

  6. 明醫網 > 黃潤波博士. 毛澤東其中一首詞,曾提及成吉思汗:「惜秦皇漢武,略輸文采;唐宗宋祖,稍遜風騷;一代天驕,成吉思汗,只識彎弓射大雕。. 俱往矣,數風流人物,還看今朝。. 濟川煎. 組成:當歸三錢、懷牛膝三錢、肉蓯蓉五錢、鎖陽三錢、升麻一 ...

  7. 2024年3月27日 · Talk of the town:Hong Kong housing policy. 【明報專訊】In Hong Kong's Budget 2024/25, the government withdrew the property-cooling measures in the property market. Also known as the ''harsh measures'', they refer to a set of policies and regulations that were implemented to address the housing crisis and curb property speculation.

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