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  1. All About 'All About Japan'. This site is about connections. Every week, we try to draw a line through a Japan-related subject and illustrate how it connects to you, something you're interested in, or at least something you've heard about. The subject may be uniquely Japanese or it could be the Japanese version of a broader trend.

  2. 2018年11月9日 · Sayano Yudokoro is, by name and by nature, the onsen most representative of Tokyo’s 23 wards, and is perfect for a day trip. Saya refers to the ancient kanji, 清, essentially meaning "clear" or "pure." That meaning is reflected in the wonderfully fresh water that flows into the baths. Many people are already in the know when it comes to the ...

  3. 2017年10月16日 · Discussions around sexual and gender rights are becoming more and more prevalent in Japan, and transgender rights are right at the center. We were fortunate to talk with Selina Provias, who came out as transgender and underwent hormone therapy in Japan, to learn about her experiences and how they have affected her work and personal life here.

  4. 這家位於大阪車站內的正統義大利咖啡廳,在東京、名古屋等地皆有分店。. 店裡的咖啡豆全從義大利進口,喝得到最道地的義大利香氣,而且價格親民,完全想像不到使用的是義大利進口咖啡豆;早餐時段的輕食種雖然不多,但包含鮪魚、火腿、蛋沙拉等口味 ...

  5. 2018年1月29日 · Freeze some yuzu, put it in a jar, add half of its weight in granulated sugar, shake and wait for the sugar to melt before putting it in the refrigerator. Yuzu-cha can be found in any Japanese supermarket; just look for a jar with ゆず茶 written on it. 4. Hachimitsu Daikon (Honey Radish)

  6. 2020年2月15日 · Even still, pretty much all of Ququri 1,200 rooms, split across multiple buildings around Tokyo, are being rented. They’re especially popular with people in their 20s and 30s, who make up about 90 percent of the tenants. They’re not only being used as bachelor bunkers, either, as roughly 40 percent of Ququri residents are women.

  7. 日本威士忌品牌販售有混合與單一麥芽威士忌,有興趣的朋友不妨參考以下六款適合入門者的日本威士忌。. 1. SUNTORY 山崎(單一麥芽威士忌). 鳥井信治郎所建的「山崎蒸餾所」,不僅是日本第一間蒸餾所,生產的威士忌「山崎」更是獲獎無數, 口感溫和,香氣 ...

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