雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 最新報告. 滙豐退休策劃指標由滙豐委聘澳洲退休基金協會進行研究及分析,就在港享受基本、簡約、舒適或豐盛退休生活方式,為每月所需的預算開支金額定下參考指標。. 指標會每季度更新一次,以反映商品及服務的價格轉變,以及退休人士因此作出消費習慣 ...

  2. 買賣滙豐黃金券簡單四步. 第一步. 登入滙豐網上理財,在「我的投資」下選擇「黃金」。 第二步. 選取交易黃金的支賬及入賬戶口,再輸入交易金額,可點選「查詢匯率」查看最新金價,再選擇「去」繼續進行交易。 第三步. 檢查確認是次黃金交易的詳細資料,點選「確認」完成交易。 第四步. 查看結餘及交易紀錄。 準備好買賣黃金? 登入進行交易. 登入滙豐網上理財. 還未成為滙豐網上理財客戶? 立即登記. 聯絡我們. 買賣黃金服務時間為星期一至五早上7:00 – 晚上11:59。 滙豐環球私人銀行客戶: (852) 2233 3033. 滙豐卓越理財尊尚客戶: (852) 2233 3033. 滙豐卓越理財客戶: (852) 2233 3322.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments, at the Member’s election. The accrued benefits can be paid in such form and on such terms and conditions as the Trustee may, to the extent ...

  5. Take a look at our HSBC Retirement Monitor to see how much Hong Kong retirees are spending. Make a savings plan Once you know what your retirement will look like, work out how much you need to set aside for it.

  6. According to our HSBC Retirement Monitor report in early 2021, retired singles who aim at making ends meet and maintaining a basic life need about HKD11,000 for their monthly expenses. But if you fancy an affluent life and want to travel the world, then you'll probably need approximately HKD39,000 each month to support your lifestyle.

  7. HSBC Retirement Monitor” provides the objective figures of four lifestyles (basic, modest, comfortable and a˜uent) in order to reflect the actual spending pattern of di˝erent lifestyles of Hong Kong retirees. To support you on retirement planning, the “HSBC

  8. 香港滙豐流動理財應用程式. 1) 我們將為HSBC HK App及滙豐網上理財加入新的安全措施,請確保您在本行記錄是最新的電郵地址和手提電話號碼,以便在作出某些交易後能收到電郵及短訊雙重通知。. 如果您在 2023 年 8 月之前沒有有效的電郵地址和手提電話號碼,您 ...