雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 用Citi信用卡簽賬網羅旅遊優惠獎賞. 憑Citi信用卡歎盡唔同類型嘅旅遊優惠,慳多啲錢盡情食買玩! 預訂指定酒店享高達 93折 優惠. 詳情. 預訂機票、酒店、高鐵及當地體驗享高達 HK$450 折扣. 詳情. 預訂指定酒店享高達 92折 優惠. 詳情. 預訂指定酒店享高達 92折 優惠. 詳情. 借定唔借? 還得到先好借! 備註: ** 受條款及細則約束,詳情請 按此 。 ^ 上述推廣活動受 Citi The Club 信用卡 – 一般條款及細則以及相關的Club 積分回贈計劃之條款及細則約束。

  2. Simple steps to convert Citi Points toAlipayHK Coupons! Login to AlipayHK App and bind your Citi Credit Card (Select > Access "Credit card points" and click "Link Citi credit card" to complete the binding) Authorize and input your mobile number registered with Citi to verify your identity.

  3. 最新信用卡優惠. 周遊列國,簽乜都賺! 於海外簽賬可享高達6%回贈. %body% 嚟緊無論您想飛去邊個國家,喺當地吃喝玩樂都記住用Citi信用卡簽賬,可以開心激賺高達6%回贈 1 ! 一於plan定行程,賺得盡興! 推廣期. 階段1:2024年2月1日至3月15日. 階段2:2024年3月16日至4月30日. 獎賞1. 喺海外以外幣簽賬2. 獎賞2. 任何階段內於海外累積外幣簽賬2滿HK$30,000仲賞多您. HK$300額外回贈. 推廣期內可賺高達HK$1,200額外回贈. 提提您. 除咗賺高達6%回贈 1 , 用以下信用卡仲可以同時賺埋基本積分獎賞 3 !

  4. Are you ready for spring’s arrival? Let’s celebrate the season by refreshing your wardrobe and gathering with your friends! Whenever you go shopping for new clothes, dining with your friends, spending at online supermarket or. making purchases via digital payments (including the spending made during your trip in China),

  5. Citi PayAll. 經Citi PayAll 用信用卡繳付日常支出,例如租金、水電煤、保費、學費、電話費等等都得,仲可以賺信用卡積分/回贈。 設定埋. 每月自動付款就唔驚遲交啦! 唔使即時用手頭上嘅現金,可以長達58日先找數! 只須幾Click就輕鬆搞掂,同用網上銀行過數一樣咁簡單! Citi PayAll 可繳交之付款用途. 點用Citi PayAll繳費? 付款至銀行賬戶. 登入Citi Mobile®App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 按「新增付款交易」 然後選擇繳費用途. 選擇付款週期. 輸入付款金額及賬單付款日期. 選擇信用卡及是否憑此交易賺取積分或回贈. 選擇現有收款人或輸入新收款人之付款詳情及備註. 核對及確認交易. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  6. Citibank Global Transfer Update – Citi Hong Kong. %body% You will no longer be able to transfer or receive funds using Citibank Global Transfer (CGT) for the following destinations from these dates onwards:

  7. Key Facts Statement. Earn more + Rewards. Enjoy 3X for Online Transactions. Enjoy 3X for Fitness Membership. Purchase Protection Insurance. Show Details. Show more. Top 6 credit card features. Citi Plus Credit Card is designed with a host of powerful features. Access the features and enjoy the ease of making payments at your convenience.