雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 日日買日日都有得賺!. 憑Citi HKTVmall信用卡喺HKTVmall超級市場買精選貨品滿HK$300,. 即賞您高達 15%獎賞 。. 今日買完,聽日又可以再掃貨,賺盡精彩著數. 日日享高達15%獎賞. - 於HKTVmall購買約3,000 超級市場 熱門貨品滿HK$300可享. 10% Mall Dollar 回贈. - 星期三/四/五 ...

  2. 直接用積分抵銷戲飛簽賬,體驗更快捷簡便 積分兌換!睇戲隨時分分鐘唔使俾錢! 體驗更快捷簡便積分兌換 手機版 用認可Citi信用卡簽賬後按繼續,即體驗Pay with Points憑分消費 用認可Citi信用卡簽賬後按繼續,即體驗Pay with Points憑分消費 ...

  3. 合資格客戶需於同一階段內憑Citi信用卡累積合資格外幣簽賬相等於HK$3,000或以上,方可於相關階段之合資格外幣簽賬獲得6%簽賬回贈 (「優惠1」)。. 合資格客戶不論使用多少張Citi 信用卡簽賬,每階段最多可享HK$450額外回贈,由優惠1可享之額外回贈最多為HK$900 ...

  4. 新客戶定義為於2022年12月1日前未曾成功在The Point App進行憑Citi積分兌換The Point積分 客戶。 優惠名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 額外12,500 The Point積分將於2023年3月31日或之前由商戶自動存入合資格客戶The Point賬戶。商戶有絕對酌情權根據 ...

  5. Enjoy new movies where they belong – on the big screen! Enjoy 20% off movie tickets on the website/app of more than 50 cinemas. Plus, save more on your movie tickets with Citi Pay with Points - offset your spending with discounted redemption rate with selected

  6. Reminder. Live Smart is currently only available in Chinese. Would you like to continue? I'm interested.

  7. Cardholders may redeem up to Eligible Transaction amount in full with Points or available Points at Eligible Card account (whichever is lower). Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Zurich’s Online Platform for each redemption.