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YHA美荷樓青年旅舍 - 深水埗 (YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel (Sham Shui Po)) "這是由一棟著名的歷史建築改建而成的青年旅館,旅館裡面有關於這棟建築過去歷史的常態展覽,可以看到過去在這裡生活的面貌,展覽與旅館都有一股濃濃的懷舊感,但旅館本身卻改建的非常的 ...
The standard rooms at the Stanford are small, as are most reasonably priced hotels in Hong Kong, but very clean, comfortable, well arranged (for the size) and has a full sized bathroom w/shower that makes for a very comfortable stay. For the price you'll find it hard to beat anywhere in Hong Kong.
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