雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Enter the Eagles (also known in the United States as And Now You're Dead) is a 1998 Hong Kong action thriller film directed by Corey Yuen, and starring Michael Wong, Anita Yuen, Jordan Chan, Shannon Lee, Benny Urquidez and Jordan Andrew Perry.

  2. And Now You're Dead. 劇情簡介. 一位偷竊高手找來一名老友相助,打算竊取捷克共和國的頭號巨鑽,這項任務卻被兩個菜鳥扒手亂了套。 95分鐘 1998年7月1日上映. 想看. 看過. 評論. 2 想看或看過了. 0 影評. IMDb評分. 6.1 /10 386 評分. 渾身是膽的主要演員. 李香凝. Shannon Lee 王敏德. Michael Wong 袁詠儀. Anita Yuen 陳小春. Jordan Chan Mike Abbott 賓尼·尤奎德茲. Benny Urquidez. 導演. 元奎 Corey Yuen (Director) 編劇. 劉鎮偉 Jeffrey Lau (Screenplay) 渾身是膽相關文章.

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    Now E 線上電影中心提供多種電影類別,例如浪漫、動畫、家庭、科幻、驚悚、動作等。荷里活、亞洲、日本、韓國及泰國等等任你選。立即申請Now E

  4. 1998年10月15日 · Director. Jeff Lau Chun-Wai. Screenplay. Professional thief Martin is assigned to steal the largest diamond in the Czech Repbulic, the Czar's Prism for $3M. Needing extra help, Martin brings in his former partner Mandy, an excellent sharpshooter with lethal martial arts skills.

  5. 熱播電影. Now TV為你搜羅近期亞洲及歐美熱門電影包括浪漫愛情電影荷里活電影動畫家庭電影科幻電影驚悚片動作電影亞洲電影泰國電影,真人版電影,喜劇,卡通,奇幻超級英雄等等

  6. Overview. Professional thief Martin is assigned to steal the largest diamond in the Czech Repbulic, the Czar's Prism for $3M. Needing extra help, Martin brings in his former partner Mandy, an excellent sharpshooter with lethal martial arts skills.

  7. And Now You're Dead is a 1998 Hong Kong action thriller film directed by Corey Yuen which follows a professional thief who teams up with his former partner, a sharpshooter with martial arts skills, as well as two pickpockets to steal a diamond in the Czech