雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港年金計劃. 提供「攞足一世」的保證收入,讓你擁有安枕無憂的生活! 即買即享. 年金下月即收到. 收入保證. 銀碼不變無煩惱. 長派長有. 保證派到百年歸老. 計劃一覽. 保險公司. 香港年金有限公司 (香港年金公司) 由外匯基金全資擁有 1. 申請資格. 60歲或以上香港永久性居民. 保費繳付. 整付保費. 保費金額. 50,000 - 5,000,000 港元 2. 保障年期及年金入息期. 終身. 身故賠償. 每月收取直至保證期結束 / 一筆過收取. 特別款項提取安排. 最高可提取百分百已繳保費的餘額以支付醫療相關開支 3 ,每名受保人的終身總提取上限為1,000,000港元 4. 以 100 萬港元保費計算的保證每月年金金額. $5,100. 6.1% 年金派發率6.

  2. 靈活自在年金計劃 | 儲蓄及退休計劃 | 宏利香港. 定時獲得退休入息,兼享多重靈活選項及額外入息保障。 限時推廣優惠. 首2年合共可享高達16%保費折扣優惠. 馬上了解. 本網頁的內容並未載有保單的所有條款,而完整條款載於有關之保單文件中。 產品特色. 退休後保證每月入息. 坐享每月入息,助您應付生活開支。 自訂退休計劃. 您可選擇繳付保費的年期、每月收取的金額、開始及結束收取入息的時間 1 。 終期紅利鎖定權益. 您可行使終期紅利鎖定權益 2 ,鎖定高逹50% 的終期紅利以鎖定回報。 令您安心的額外入息保障. 若確診嚴重中風、腎衰竭或柏金遜病,隨後的保證每月入息將會增加最高一倍 3,4 。 簡易投保程序. 無須進行身體檢查或回答健康問題。 下載產品單張.

  3. The HKMC Annuity Plan provides you with a guaranteed monthly income for life without an upper age limit. Myth 2 “If my time comes earlier, will I get less than the premium I paid?”

  4. 主要特點. 靈活滿足您的資金所需. 您可最快在供款一年後選擇每月收取年金金額 [@monthlyannuitypayment2]或將年金積存在保單內,以累積生息. 財富顯著增長. 為了減低通脹帶來的影響,年金期首10年的每月保證年金金額逐年遞增3%;由年金期第11年起,更可收取由紅利所累積的每月非保證年金金額. 長期穩定收入. 高達25年或至99歲 [@birthdaydefinition]的每月年金收入,讓您安享退休生活. 認知障礙保障選項. 只需繳付額外保費,您和家人將可獲得額外的財務保障以應對嚴重認知障礙症 [@dementiaprotection2] 限時優惠 – 高達7.5%折扣. 享首年保費高達7.5%折扣。 受條款及細則約束. 。 成功申請此計劃可享定期存款優惠利率。

  5. 香港年金 HKMC Annuity. Eng. 25125000. 重要資訊. 慎防詐騙 ! 切勿經聲稱由香港年金有限公司(香港年金公司)發出的可疑訊息中附有的超連結,提供你的銀行、信用卡、投資、保險及/或強積金賬戶的賬戶資料和密碼及/或其他重要個人資料,例如: 電話號碼、出生日期或電郵地址等。 如有任何懷疑,請致電我們的客戶服務熱線 (852) 2512-5000以作核實。 按此 了解詳情。 Play video of 終身加碼月月享. 終身加碼月月享. 推廣期:2024年4月29日至12月31日> 優惠詳情. 保費折扣優惠保費折扣優惠. 「永不乾塘」計算機「永不乾塘」計算機. 「壽比南山」計算機「壽比南山」計算機. 香港年金計劃. 閱讀更多. 香港年金計劃計算機. 閱讀更多. 預約申請.

  6. 產品特色. 理財計劃更添靈活. 您可依照個人需要,選擇合適的保費繳付期 - 一次過繳付保費,或以3年、5年或10年繳付保費。 穩定收入流 助您實現目標. 計劃提供長達25年,以保證每月入息及非保證每月入息組成的穩定收入流,助您為未來做好準備。 靈活更改入息開始年度. 您可彈性地於入息開始前更改入息的開始年份 1 (須為繳清保費後10年內),以配合您在不同情況下的需要。 認知障礙加倍保 讓您倍感安心. 如果首名保單持有人或受保人被診斷患有嚴重認知障礙(以較早者為準),將獲得相等於高達保證每月入息的100%的額外賠償。 簡易投保. 受保人無須進行任何驗身以證明其健康狀況。 下載產品單張. 如欲了解我們的產品,歡迎聯絡我們的專家. 立即聯絡專家. 分享. 重要備註. 備註. 其他宏利產品. 儲蓄.

  7. With FlexiFortune Annuity Plan, you will enjoy the financial confidence of knowing that your future goals will be empowered by a regular monthly income for up to 25 years. You will have the flexibility to start the monthly income in the next policy year after your plan is paid up or defer it to another time to suit your needs 1 .

  8. HSBC Flourish Income Annuity Plan. Enjoy both flexibility and potential capital growth in your retirement. Choose to pay your premium over just a few years and receive annuity payments every month for up to 25 years or till the age [@birthdaydefinition] of 99.

  9. HKMC Annuity Plan (the “Plan”) * is underwritten by HKMC Annuity Limited and is designed to provide you, as the annuitant, with a steady stream of GUARANTEED monthly annuity payments after paying a single premium. With this special feature, you can better plan your retirement life by turning your lump sum cash into a stable lifelong income stream.

  10. HSBC Income Goal Deferred Annuity Plan. A qualifying deferred annuity plan that provides a flexible accumulation and annuity period, with 5 or 10 years of tax-deductible premium payments. HSBC HK.

  11. Overview. Featured benefits. Offers. Compare similar products. Get in touch. AIA Deferred Annuity Plan. Provides you guaranteed Monthly Annuity Payment, helping you to realise a fulfilling retirement life. Benefit term The end of annuity period. Issue age Age 18 to 60. Brochure. Learn more about smart bundled solutions. Get in touch.

  12. www.boclife.com.hk › en › categoryAnnuity | BOC LIFE

    Product Overview. BOC Life Deferred Annuity (Lifetime) Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy. Lifelong Guaranteed Monthly Annuity Income payable from Insured’s age of 60 to enjoy care-free retirement. Potential returns for your wealth accumulation. Various premium payment terms and multiple options of policy currency…

  13. Hang Seng eIncomePro Deferred Annuity Plan (100% Guaranteed) is a QDAP providing stable guaranteed annuity income and life protection; qualifying annuity premiums may apply for tax deduction. Suitable for your retirement planning.

  14. 「賞精彩」 是一項分紅延期年金保險計劃,不僅提供可靠的每月年金款項及稅務扣減 1 ,更設有多項靈活選項,更助您實現精彩未來的願景。 「賞精彩」的主要優勢. 靈活選擇保費繳付年期、年金期及美元/港元保單貨幣. 最早可於 50歲 2 起收取每月年金款項. 享有穩定每月年金收入的同時 亦擁有潛在回報增長 3. 減省稅款 為精彩未來累積更多財富. 提供意外保費豁免保障 4 和延長寬限期保障 5 逆境無患. 人壽保障及腦退化症預支保障 6. 免費諮詢. 索取報價. 產品說明書. 了解「賞精彩」的優勢,助您的退休規劃更勝一籌. 身為打工仔,您總希望在繁忙的工作和日常生活中取得平衡? 工作講求效率,儲蓄和理財又如何增加效率? 立即觀看影片.

  15. Insurance age. 15 days to age 70. Insurance method. Your Financial Consultant. Various Options of Premium Payment Period, Accumulation Period and Income Period 1. Flexibility to Change Your Accumulation Period and/or Income Period 2. Guaranteed Cash Value, Annual Dividend 3, Special Bonus 3 and Terminal Dividend 3. Inflation Protector Option 4.

  16. www.hkmca.hk › engHKMC Annuity

    HKMC Annuity Plan provides retirees aged 60 or above a lifelong, stable and guaranteed monthly income stream to sustain a splendid retirement life.

  17. 保誠雋逸人生延期年金計劃為獲保險業監管局認證的合資格延期年金保單QDAP),除了在未來提供長達10或20年穩定的 每月年金入息 ,更可於您累積財富期間,提供 稅務扣除 。 靈活累積退休資金 特設不同保費供款期、積存期及年金期的選擇. 選擇以5或10年繳交保費,並選擇讓保費積存5、10、15、20或30年,我們將為您提供長達10或20年的每月年金. 為身故及意外身故提供財務保障. 為了保障您的摯愛,假如受保人不幸身故,計劃便會提供身故賠償。 假如受保人因意外身故,我們將會連同身故賠償一併支付意外身故額外保障. 智貼心保障. 假如您不幸確診患上特定受保疾病,例如在精神上無行為能力,我們將向您指定的家人提供相等於退保價值的智貼心保障,解決經濟上的燃眉之急. 保費可享扣稅.

  18. HSBC EarlyIncome Deferred Annuity Plan. Pay in for 5 years. Receive a monthly annuity payment for 20 years or up to age 99 after the accumulation period. Potentially save on personal tax up to HKD10,200 2 per person per year of assessment while paying premium. Unpaid annuity can be succeeded by beneficiaries.

  19. PRURetirement Deferred Annuity Plan is a Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy (“QDAP”) certified by the Insurance Authority. On top of giving you a stable annuity income in the form of 10 or 20 years of monthly annuity in the future, the plan helps you with tax relief now as you save for your retirement.

  20. 年金是一種用作規劃退休的工具,幫助投保人把累積的儲蓄轉化為在一段時間內的穩定收入,讓其有紀律地使用退休積蓄以應對長壽所帶來的財務風險。 年金有多種類型,延期年金屬其中一種。 延期年金包括累積期和年金領取期兩個階段。 在累積期,投保人在一段特定時間內定期支付保費,而付款期與年金領取期通常相隔一段時間,讓保險公司通過投資令金額增長。 到了年金領取期,投保人可在期內定期收取年金。 一般而言,延期年金較適合尚有一定年期才退休的在職人士,因為他們能夠在擁有穩定收入時,以定期儲蓄方式累積資金,而且可以有較長的時間去累積財富。 想了解更多有關年金的特點,請瀏覽由保監局、投資者及理財教育委員會管理的教育平台 「錢家有道」聯合製作的 教育網站 。 購買QDAP可享稅務扣除優惠.

  21. The benefits. Designed to suit your various needs, RetireIncome Annuity Plan enables you to choose one plan that suits your needs and provides you with a guaranteed savings that can give you an additional source of funds in your retirement. Here are some of the key benefits of the plan: Guaranteed annuity payment and guaranteed retirement bonus.

  22. 2 天前 · Additionally, the enhanced FortuneLife plan offers flexible premium payment terms of 5 or 10 years and policy options in HKD, RMB and USD. It also includes multiple accumulation and annuity period choices, application for tax deductions of up to HKD60,000 per tax assessment year and annual tax savings of up to HKD10,200. ...

  23. 6 天前 · But you can get an idea of how much your monthly payouts will be by doing some math. Here, we’ll focus on a fixed annuity to illustrate how much a $100,000 annuity might pay out per month. This ...

  24. 香港年金計劃計算機. 重要資訊. 此計算機並不構成香港年金公司要約或邀請閣下申請、同意申請或購買任何香港年金計劃下的保單; 此計算機並非銷售香港年金計劃的一部分,亦不構成香港年金公司招攬或銷售香港年金計劃或購買任何香港年金計劃下的保單; 此計算機提供之資料僅供參考而香港年金公司在此不受法律約束。 香港年金公司並不會為該等資料的準確性,完整性和/或針對某特定用途的適用性作出任何保證及/或陳述。 任何香港年金計劃申請需以香港年金公司的最終批核為準; 在任何情況下,香港年金公司不是亦不會在香港特別行政區境外推銷或銷售香港年金計劃。 申請人年齡. 性別. 男. 女. 整付保費金額. 每名客戶均可獲享「 終身加碼月月享 」推廣優惠,保費上限為30萬港元。 如你已獲享此優惠,請 剔除 此選項.

  25. 6 天前 · Annuities play an important role in financial planning, considering many Americans are not satisfied with the state of their retirement resources. In fact, a survey conducted by BlackRock revealed that 60% of employees expressed their concern about the possibility of outliving their retirement savings.

  26. Savings. ManuDelight Annuity Plan. A regular income stream for retirement with flexible options and extra income protection. Limited Offer. Enjoy up to 16% premium discount for the first 2 years in total. View more.

  27. 5 天前 · Federal legislation has made it easier in recent years for employers to offer a high-quality commercial annuity as part of a 401(k) plan. And that could be a game changer, retirement experts say.

  28. 1 天前 · Annuities are a must-have or a must-avoid for many people when planning their retirement. However, one of the biggest issues for most is that they’re uninformed about using annuities to ...

  29. 2024年4月23日 · The tips below can help. The way advisers handle your retirement money is about to change: More investment professionals will be required to act in their customers’ best interest when providing ...

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