雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Apple 擁有全球最大的 AR 平台,支援 AR 的裝置數以億計,而且 App Store 上更提供數千款 AR app。 由於 Apple 的硬件和軟件均徹底為 AR 而設計,用來體驗 AR 最好不過。

  2. AR transforms how you work, learn, play, shop, and connect with the world around you. It’s the perfect way to visualize things that would be impossible or impractical to see otherwise. Apple has the world’s largest AR platform, with hundreds of millions of AR

  3. Apple 擁有全球最大的 AR 平台,支援 AR 的裝置數以億計,且 App Store 上更有數千款的 AR app。 由於 Apple 的硬體和軟體都是專為 AR 而設計,正是體驗 AR 的最佳方式。 觀看影片

    • 可立拍。“AR 空间”提供多种好玩又真实的特效,为你的现实世界增添乐趣。利用激光雷达扫描仪对所在之处进行深度感测之后1,“AR 空间”能在你的房间抛撒漫天彩屑,把地板变成虚拟舞池,或在你身后留下璀璨星光。
    • Apollo’s Moon Shot AR。以令人着迷的细节,带你重温 NASA 部署的一系列阿波罗太空壮举。通过增强现实教学体验,加深你对地球和月球的 认知。
    • ARki。ARki 能以增强现实模式把你的三维项目呈现出来,让你在查看、分享和传达自己的设计时清晰了然。利用 ARKit 最新的激光雷达扫描功能和人物遮挡技术1,ARki 让你能以不同的比例具象呈现各种物体,你可以把真实尺寸的物体惟妙惟肖地放在环境中,也能以微缩比例摆在 桌面上。
    • AR 快速查看。你能通过 AR 快速查看功能即时体验增强现实,Safari 浏览器、信息和邮件 app 都能使用这项功能。在网购时,你能用增强现实预览商品在自己家里的摆放效果,提前感受一下,再决定是否下单。
    • 4K Video
    • Depth API
    • Instant AR
    • Motion Capture
    • Simultaneous Front and Back Camera

    ARKit 6introduces the option to capture a 4K video feed using the back camera during an ARKit session. 4K video is perfect for apps that integrate virtual and real-world content together for video creation, such as social media, professional video editing, and film production apps. Requires iPhone 11 or later or iPad Pro (5th generation).

    The advanced scene understanding capabilities built into the LiDAR Scanner allow this API to use per-pixel depth information about the surrounding environment. When combined with the 3D mesh data generated by Scene Geometry, this depth information makes virtual object occlusion even more realistic by enabling instant placement of virtual objects an...

    The LiDAR Scanner enables incredibly quick plane detection, allowing for the instant placement of AR objects in the real world without scanning. Instant AR placement is automatically enabled on iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, and iPad Profor all apps built with ARKit, without any code changes. The Depth API and Instant AR are specific to devices ...

    Capture the motion of a person in real time with a single camera. By understanding body position and movement as a series of joints and bones, you can use motion and poses as an input to the AR experience — placing people at the center of AR. Height estimation improves on iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPad Proin all apps built with ARKit, without a...

    Simultaneously use face and world tracking on the front and back cameras, opening up new possibilities. For example, users can interact with AR content in the back camera view using just their face.

  4. Build unparalleled augmented reality experiences for hundreds of millions of users on iOS and iPadOS, the biggest AR platforms in the world. With powerful frameworks like ARKit and RealityKit, and creative tools like Reality Composer and Reality Converter, it’s

  5. With native Swift APIs, ARKit integration, incredibly realistic physics-based rendering, transform and skeletal animations, spatial audio, and rigid body physics, RealityKit makes AR development faster and easier than ever before.