雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年6月4日 · 繩文杉是屋久島上歷史最為悠久的古杉樹。 推定樹齡為7200年歷史的這棵繩文杉,生長在位於屋久島群山密林的深處。 從荒川登山口出發,沿著森林鐵道前行,腳下的落葉發出碎裂的聲音,鳥兒歌唱,蟲兒尖叫,就連從樹梢掠過的風兒也會帶出沙沙的響聲。 預料之中的細雨來臨,穿過葉隙落入林間。

  2. 2016年9月15日 · During the Edo period, Hakone was a primary way station along the Tokaido Road, the best known of the “highways” that the daimyo (feudal rulers) of Japan’s historical provinces used to travel between Edo, as Tokyo was then known, and other parts of the country. The daimyo were required to come to the capital once a year, and as a means of ...

  3. 這裡是日本第一個世界文化遺產。 姬路城從完成到現在已經有400多年的歷史了。 雖然經歷了許多戰爭,但都幸運地躲過了災難,沒有遭到破壞。 天守閣、箭塔和城門等等都非常好的保存了下來。 走進這裡,首先會被它的美震驚! 晶瑩剔透的瓦片與白色無暇的城牆,展現了古日本建築的美。 據説在建造姬路城的時候,工匠們在防守方面下了很大功夫。 比如有供火砲或弓箭射擊用的小孔、還有埋伏敵人設陷阱的門等等。 參觀這些古代防禦設計也是姬路城之旅的魅力所在! 惊奇日本. 住在日本的外國人,用自己的視線,透過視頻傳達日本的文化、旅遊、觀光等的美好與驚喜傳遞給全世界! www.youtube.com 美食 關西地區 深度日本. 日本秋冬必吃美食「土瓶蒸」究竟藏了什麼寶? 日本3大便利商店秋天限定甜點.

  4. 2017年11月1日 · List: Japan's 12 Original-Construction Castles. www.thekanert.com. While Japan is home to over 300 castles, there are only 12 that still retain their original castle keep. The other castles only claim original outlying buildings, often with a recently reconstructed keep, and many more are simply ruins.

  5. 2017年11月2日 · Inuyama Castle (犬山城) is a National Treasure, and one of the oldest original castles still remaining in Japan. It's located in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, only a short trip away from the hustle and bustle of Nagoya, Japan’s fourth-largest city.

  6. 2019年4月8日 · 1. Tokaido Road. https://pixta.jp/ Considered the most important of Japan’s ancient highway routes, the Tokaido (which means "Eastern Sea Road") dates back to the Edo Period (1603-1867). It runs along the coast all the way from Nihonbashi in Tokyo to Kyoto’s Sanjo Bridge, passing through seven prefectures in total.

  7. 2017年11月17日 · As you stroll down the short hill from Miyanoshita Station toward Ginyu, the little village you pass through belies the natural wonders that await. Although Hakone is known for offering respite from Tokyo’s concrete jungle, there are few places that offer the kind of

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