雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年3月22日 · 前往方式. 想前往這個區域:可利用東京Metro日比谷線、JR山手線、埼京線、湘南新宿線「惠比壽」站。. 由羽田機場前往:搭乘機場接駁巴士約1小時15分,搭乘電車30分。. 由成田機場前往:搭乘機場接駁巴士約2小時15分,搭乘電車80分。. 由新宿站前往:搭乘JR山 ...

  2. 2022年12月26日 · 招牌料理“蒟蒻寿司”是小林女士在日本熊本邂逅的高知乡土料理,代替豆皮包裹醋饭的蒟蒻富有嚼劲,口口是酱油与砂糖熬煮出的香甜,于是小林女士想在东京进行推广。 另外还有一口大小方便食用的“南关稻荷”,其使用发祥自熊本县的南关豆皮,带有嚼劲的口感中尽是清爽的高汤精华。 寿司配上使用九州岛透明酱油煮出的鹌鹑蛋和腌渍宝塔菜,与来自福冈茶酒房“万(yorozu)”的焙茶,道道看似简单却各有精彩故事。 持续创新的百年传承稻荷寿司老店 ── 高级伊奈利寿司专营店 福寿家. 稻荷寿司“高级伊奈利寿司专营店 福寿家”位于浅草住宅区一隅,其亮红外观让人难以忽视其存在。 小巧的店铺内装载着百年历史传承的考究,仅制作稻荷寿司所使用的豆皮即配合口味而选自不同店家。

    • Chew Shou Zi1
    • Chew Shou Zi2
    • Chew Shou Zi3
    • Chew Shou Zi4
    • Chew Shou Zi5
  3. 2023年3月22日 · 与众不同的啤酒花园. 建于惠比寿啤酒酿造所旧址的“ 惠比寿花园广场 ”,是一座融合了现代与欧洲风格的建筑,令人回想起酿造所创立的1887年。. 在“惠比寿啤酒纪念馆(※)”,您可以了解惠比寿啤酒的历史,还可在品酒沙龙通过自动贩卖机购买惠 ...

    • Onigiri-ya Tsukiji Marutoyo
    • Tsukiji Sanoki-Ya
    • Rest Area

    The shop carries more than 50 varieties of rice balls and also bento meal boxes, soup, and a mini kaisen-don seafood rice bowl.

    Tai-yaki sea bream-shaped cakes are common, but this shop sells maguro-yaki tuna-shaped cakes. Order by the variety of tuna, e.g., “Give me a bluefin tuna whole!”

    There is an admission-free rest area along Namiyoke-dori Street. Tsukiji Outer Market official website

  4. Your one-stop shop to buy seafood, Tsukiji Uogashi is a modern facility with a huge variety of fresh produce, vegetables included. You can even watch a professional filleting tuna. Access is restricted before 9:00 to make way for fresh deliveries, but the third floor of eateries is open from 7:00, with sashimi and ramen on offer too.

    • Chew Shou Zi1
    • Chew Shou Zi2
    • Chew Shou Zi3
    • Chew Shou Zi4
    • Chew Shou Zi5
  5. 2023年10月6日 · Beyond the Thunder Gate to the heart of Edo culture. Sensoji is perhaps the most famous and photographed of Tokyo's temples. It is the oldest Buddhist temple in the capital, and the five-story pagoda, trails of incense and vast eaves will take you back to a Tokyo of time gone by.

  6. 2023年10月6日 · The Nakamise shopping avenue–one of the oldest shopping streets in all of Japan– replicates the vibe of an Edo-period downtown area, but with both traditional and modern items on sale. You will be able to buy Japanese clogs and kokeshi wooden dolls, and also the ever-popular fashionable Anello bags.