雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [ˌkaɪərəʊˈpræktɪk]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 脊骨按摩治療
  2. 2023年3月9日 · 脊骨神經醫學是一種 替代療法 (並不屬於傳統西醫學),著重利用手法或器材來診斷和治療肌肉骨骼系統。 它在美國、加拿大和澳洲非常受歡迎。 脊骨療法通常涉及徒手治療脊醫負責矯正脊柱關節和組織以作治療用途。 如何在香港選擇脊醫? 香港目前有229名註冊脊醫,由脊醫管理局監督,管理局根據1993年香港法律中的《脊醫註冊條例》成立。 脊醫管理局 的主要職能是「審查和核實申請人的資格」及「監督違反紀律行為」,以確保患者得到的治療為可靠和高質素。 香港所有脊醫都必須在脊醫管理局註冊。 你可以 按此 查閱香港所有註冊脊醫的名單。 香港脊醫的收費. 香港的脊醫只有於私家機構內提供服務。 在香港,脊醫收費的差異很大(就如其他醫療專家一樣),而且很大程度上取決於診所的位置。

  3. 脊骨神經科學療法的理念. 脊醫主要透過獨有的脊骨矯正法幫助脊骨中樞神經系統及身體自然康復脊骨神經科學療法以回復及保持神經和關節功能的原理來幫助病人回復健康最終令病者脫離痛楚重投健康美滿的人生。 香港執業脊醫協會會員權益. 成為全港最大脊醫業專業團體的一份子。 你的會籍已包括醫療專業責任保險,讓你獲得全面的專業責任保障。 本會的醫療專業責任保險累積保額為全港所有脊醫業專業團體最高。 香港執業脊醫協會為香港脊醫管理局認可提供持續專業發展 (CPD)的專業團體,本會並經常津貼其會員參與由本會主辦的進修課程。 本會致力於促進及提高脊骨保健意識,通過社區健康講座及公眾演講,提高大眾對脊骨健康的認知、鼓勵市民進行定期檢查,並實踐健康生活去減少脊骨錯位的機會。

  4. Address 8/F, 10 Pottinger St, Central, Hong Kong. Studio Our Team. Common Conditions. Back Pain. Fatigue. Gut Health. Head & Neck Pain. Headaches. Inflammation. Pediatric Health Issues. Poor Posture. Sciatica. Sleep Issues. Sports Injuries. Stress. Newcomers. Getting Started Our Fees FAQ Insurance Claims Policy.

  5. Chiropractic care helps you return to optimum health by restoring and maintaining nerve and joint function. The end result? You are healthier and pain free, allowing you to live life to the fullest once again. Benefits of Becoming a Member of The C.D.A.H.K. You can be part of the largest Chiropractic association in Hong Kong.

  6. 脊骨療法是科學治療藝術中之一門專業關注於人體活動功能系統 (特別是脊柱和骨盆) 靜力和動力有關的功能障礙、病理力學狀態、疼痛綜合症和神經生理反應的發病機理、診斷、治療和預防事宜。 脊骨神經科是一門獨立於傳統西醫的醫療體系。 我們是脊椎專家。 脊醫是第一線醫護專業人員受過專業培訓診斷並通過脊骨療法治療相關脊椎病症。 香港執業脊醫協會. 診証. 檢查. 理療方案. 我需要脊椎諮詢。 預約診証,告訴我們您的狀況。 諮詢脊醫. Chiropractic is a distinct healthcare system. 脊骨神經科 是一門獨立於傳統西醫的醫療體系 。 We are spine specialist. 我們是 脊椎專家 。 I need a consultation.

  7. Welcome to SPINEfirst Chiropractic. - A Leading Chiropractic Centre in Hong Kong. Our chiropractors emphasise realigning the spine through chiropractic adjustments and various soft tissue therapies for pain relief. We eliminate nerve irritations by achieving optimal spinal alignment, allowing the body to heal naturally.

  8. Chiropractors in Hong Kong only operate within the private sector. In Hong Kong the cost of seeing a chiropractor varies greatly (just like for other health practitioners), and it largely depends on clinics’ locations. While the Hong Kong Chiropractors Association states that the average treatment fee is about HK$350 to $500, our research reveals that consultations in premium locations can ...

  9. Chiropractic (Greek: done by hand) is a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health.

  10. Help us to make this change! In the past two years, some of the chiropractors felt the urge to erect a reputable local chiropractic college, and to craft the future of chiropractic profession in Hong Kong. Thus the idea of the Hong Kong Chiropractic College Foundation was born.

  11. Chiropractic is a non-invasive, wholistic method of diagnosing, treating and preventing disorders of the musculo-skeletal and nervous systems. The word "chiropractic" originates from the Greek translation meaning "done by hand". This concept of using one's hands is at the core of the chiropractic approach. More. History of Chiropractic.

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