雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 美國財政部長米努勤說人工智慧(artificial intelligence) 取代人類工作,「甚至不在我們雷達螢幕上」(not even on our radar screen), 意為人工智慧取代人類,不是財政部特別關切的當務之急。. 俚語on (one's) radar (screen)意為一切都在雷達監視範圍內,都在掌控中 ...

  2. 文/Discover Taipei. Seals (also known as chops) are carefully carved stone stamps used by the Chinese instead of a signature. Apart from being a convenient way to prove one's identity, however, each seal, however small, is also a representation of a person's deeper self-identity and status. Seal carving is a classic Chinese art form that can ...

  3. 2015年1月1日 · Discovered in the Dunhuang Caves (敦煌石窟) in Gansu Province (甘肅省), the five-meter scroll was a copy of the Buddhist Diamond Sutra. Over time, the cumbersome rolling and unrolling of scrolls sparked new innovations in binding. The first new style to develop was folded sutra binding (經摺裝), also known as concertina binding, in ...

  4. The Wonderful World of Taiwanese Glove-Puppet Thea. 文/Discover Taipei. The ability to wear a puppet on one’s hand and to give it the appearance of human actions and emotions is part of the magic of the glove puppetry art form. The origins of Taiwan glove puppetry lie in the 17th century in the prefecture of Quanzhou (泉州), in mainland ...

  5. 以下這兩句就是這類讓你人緣變好的句子:. 1. No hard feelings 不懷恨在心. 辦公室裡同事有磨擦很正常,告訴別人,你怎麼讓彼此釋懷。. 在英文中有一句好話,不記仇,我們可以用no hard feelings這個片語。. Donald and I have no hard feelings toward each other even though we often ...

  6. language school: 在世界各國都有分校的Eurocentres語言學校即採這個用法。. 其實從文法的角度來思考,就是在學習的科目後加上school一字,比如說如果要補的項目是烹飪,那可以說cooking school,駕訓班就稱作driving school。. 在美國,只要有華人的區域就會有Chinese school ...

  7. Chinese New Year Prayers : A DIY Guide. 文/Discover Taipei. In the Chinese-speaking world, the Lunar New Year is considered a time of transition, one of fresh starts and new beginnings. This is the best time to ask the powers that be — the gods — for blessings and fortune. Many rise bright and early on Chinese New Year's Day to go to a ...

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