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    KK [͵kolənəˋskɑpɪ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 【醫】結腸鏡檢查

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  2. 如病人的症狀可能反映結腸或直腸出現異常的情況,醫生便可能建議病人接受結腸鏡檢查。這些症狀包括直腸出血、排便習慣改變(便秘或腹瀉)、便中帶血、異常的體重下降和腹痛。有結腸癌或結腸瘜肉(結腸內壁上的非癌性增生物)病史的病人亦可透過結腸鏡進行例行檢查,結腸鏡亦可用以診斷 ...

  3. 大腸鏡檢查(colonoscopy)或稱結腸內視鏡檢查是用一支柔軟而可彎曲的內視鏡由肛門進入直腸經乙狀結腸降結腸橫結腸升結腸直至盲腸部位進行大腸檢查檢查時醫生可提取活組織進行化驗有助找出病症原因或檢查某些腸道疾病例如大腸瘜肉

  4. www.endoscopy.hku.hk › en › Frequently-asked-questionsEndoscopy Centre

    Colonoscopy is the preferred method of screening because it is accurate in detecting cancer and polyps and pre-cancerous polyps can be removed during colonoscopy. 市民應在45歲開始作大腸癌篩查。大腸鏡檢查是現時最有效篩查和預防大腸癌的方法。如果檢查時發現瘜肉, 醫生會切除這些瘜肉以預防大腸癌。

  5. Colonoscopy is the technique that allows the direct visualization of the large bowel. This procedure involves passing an endoscope with a diameter of ~1.3cm via the rectum into the large bowel. The endoscope is a flexible tube attached to an optical system that allows the diagnosis, treatment of any abnormalities.

  6. www.endoscopy.hku.hk › en › Colonoscopy-screeningEndoscopy Centre

    在檢查前,你需要脫下個人飾物如戒指、頸鏈及手錶。. 若有指甲油,也請於檢查前卸除。. The colonoscopy procedure will take around 30-60 minutes. During colonoscopy, intravenous sedation will be given. You will wake up around 1-2 hours after the procedure but the effect of the sedatives will take a day to wear ...

  7. 外科中心 - 結腸鏡檢查. 進行結腸鏡檢查時,醫生會把一支可屈曲、末端裝有光源及微型攝影機的軟管〔約食指大小〕經病者肛門放置入結腸,以觀察大腸內有否發炎、出血、息肉或腫瘤等病變。. 醫生可利用小鉗子取出活組織 (一小塊組織)或切除息肉,此過程 ...

  8. www.endoscopy.hku.hk › en › Colonoscopy-screeningEndoscopy Centre

    A consultation will be arranged before colonoscopy. During the pre-procedural consultation, our doctors will: 我們會安排你在大腸鏡檢查前約見醫生:. Provide information about the colonoscopy examination, including the preparation and potential risks 提供大腸鏡檢查的資料,包括檢查前所需的預備及檢查的 ...

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