雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The alphabet letter represents the subway line name. In the subway route map, the station number is shown according to subway line. Station numbers are circled with a color that represents the subway line.

  2. 2012年4月21日 · Tokyo Metro will commence a service through which QR codes can be used to issue "Tokyo Subway Tickets" at ticket vending machines for travelers! Tokyo Metro's official website. You can view convenient information such as subway map, fares, discount tickets, passes, popular attractions along Tokyo Metro lines, etc. for getting around Tokyo.

  3. 車站標識 車站的標識由英文字母、羅馬數字和帶有顏色的外圈所構成。 標識的內容可以方便地讓您知道你所在的車站位置。在運行路線圖 、月台設施等地方都有設置。 車站標識的

  4. The Handy Safety Guide is a brochure explaining the measures taken to ensure the safety of commuters, emergency procedures and important points to consider during an emergency situation. A page containing tips on using Tokyo Metro. Find out the merits of using Tokyo Metro, how to get on the subway, how to get connected on Tokyo Metro’s Free ...

  5. Other Tickets. The Greater Tokyo Pass is a special ticket that allows 3 days of unrestricted travel on all train and tram lines that are members of the Greater Tokyo Pass Council, including all Tokyo Metro lines and some bus lines. (Currently unavailable.) View More.

  6. 於東京 Metro 地鐵及東京都交通局(都營地下鐵、都營巴士、都電)各路線出示東京 Metro 地鐵及東京都交通局發行的各種「1 日券」,將可獲得美術館、博物館門票折扣或是於餐廳獲贈飲料等專屬優惠。. 關於一日車票的優惠特典介紹(只限英文版).

  7. 2014年4月1日(火)、東京メトロは創立10周年を迎えました。. 「営団地下鉄」という愛称から「東京メトロ」に変わって10年。. これまでの10年間の歩みを振り返りながら、今後の取組についても紹介します。. 2014年5月22日. 異常時想定訓練編(PDF:510KB). 東京 ...

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