雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年10月8日 · 10/08/2016. 焚燒超過100小時的牛頭角大火終被撲滅,眾多位消防員那捨己忘我的英勇行為,深受市民敬仰。 這場大火,令公眾開始關注迷你倉的種種問題,尤其是存放在倉內的財物一旦意外受到損毀,是否能獲得保險賠償? 為何迷你倉在香港這樣盛行? 眾所周知,香港土地珍貴,很多人的住所比全球任何一個城市的單位還要小。 雖然最近流行簡約風,但日子久了,雜物總是越積越多。 從床架、衣物到電子器材,很多人都為如何儲存日積月累的雜物而大傷腦筋。 其中一個最常見的解決辦法,就是把雜物存放在迷你倉。 現時估計全港共有差不多500間迷你倉在市內各個地區提供儲存服務。 雖然迷你倉是一個有效的解決辦法,可是最近發生的牛頭角大火,令人注意到很多迷你倉未必設有足夠的消防安全設施。

  2. Check The Car Before Purchase. The first thing you should do is check the car's service history to confirm the mileage stated by the seller. An independent source can ensure this, and that the car is in good running order. The Hong Kong Automobile Association offers this service (391 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Tel: 3583 3628)

  3. In case you’re looking to buy an electric car, there are some other things to know about - such as different premium calculations, repair costs, and registration fees, which differ from petrol cars. To find out more about how Kwiksure can make motor insurance simpler and easier for you, contact us today by email, call +852 3113 1331, or click ...

  4. 2013年10月30日 · Hong Kong's hero leading film star, Jackie Chan, is a self- proclaimed car enthusiast, who says his love affair with cars started on the film set. In fact, Chan has made one car brand part of his films and his personal life after a 30 year deal made Mitsubishi more or less the only car brand to feature in his films.

  5. relay.kwiksure.com › en › introduction-enOrganization

    兆華 副部長︰ 謝銘澤 青年發展部部長︰ 劉彥翹 副部長︰ 蕭永耀 會 董︰ 陳偉山 謝志豪 黃家德 許俊強 陳錦釗 楊少偉 蕭洪淑美 洪柏林 劉勝財 沈子峰 永傳 永遠 名譽 顧問︰ 黃保欣 少傑 潘宗光 焯芬 林健鋒 當屆 名譽 顧問︰

  6. 2023年12月28日 · 獲發筆試排期信,按信上日期應考。. 筆試內容為 20 條選擇題,需答對 16 條或以上方為及格. 筆試合格後,可即時辦理路試排期信. 選擇駕駛學院或私人師傅學車,根據運輸署建議最少有 30 小時路面實習. 根據路試排期信上所列日期應考路試,分為:. 乙部︰主要 ...

  7. relay.kwiksure.com › en › introduction-enIntroduction

    港九塑膠製造商聯合會 Development The manufacturers of this association include the manufacturing of toys, electrical appliances, and household products. In the 1960s and 1970s, Hong Kong's plastics industry successfully explored overseas markets and ...