雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 丹尼斯·罗德曼Dennis Rodman),1961年5月13日出生于美国 新泽西州 特伦顿,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职前锋,绰号“大虫”(The Worm) [1]。 罗德曼在 1986年NBA选秀 中于第二轮总第27顺位被 底特律活塞队 选中,1993年被交易至 圣安东尼奥马刺队 。 1995-96赛季,罗德曼被交易至 芝加哥公牛队 ,联手 迈克尔·乔丹 , 斯科特·皮蓬 组成“铁三角”组合,并于当赛季常规赛收获72胜10负的历史第2好战绩。 在1995-96赛季开始到1997-98赛季,连续三年夺得 NBA总冠军 ,建立公牛王朝。 1999年加盟 洛杉矶湖人队 ,2000年加盟 达拉斯小牛队 ,在1999-00赛季为小牛队效力12场比赛后于2000年3月8日宣布从NBA退役。

  2. Hall of Fame. 2x All Star. 7x TRB Champ. 5x NBA Champ. 2x All-NBA. 8x All-Defensive. 2x Def. POY. NBA 75th Anniv. Team. 10 10 91 73 70. SUMMARY. Career. G. 911. PTS. 7.3. TRB. 13.1. AST. 1.8. FG% 52.1. FG3% 23.1. FT% 58.4. eFG% 52.9. PER. 14.6. WS. 89.8.

  3. Brilliant. While Dennis Rodman was both celebrated and hated for his tattoos, colorful hair, and bad boy attitude, there was no denying the greatness of a man that controlled games just by controlling the boards. The six-foot-eight-inch forward led the NBA in rebounds per game for a record-setting seven consecutive seasons from 1991 to 1998.

  4. 2023年11月21日 · Quick Facts. Early Life. NBA Success. A Troubled Life. Off-Court Endeavors. Relationship with Kim Jong-un. ESPN's '30 for 30' and 'The Last Dance' Who Is Dennis Rodman? Born in Trenton, New...

  5. Dennis Rodman | Detroit Pistons | NBA.com. Detroit Pistons | #10 | Forward. Dennis. Rodman. PPG. 7.3. RPG. 13.1. APG. 1.8. HEIGHT. 6'7" (2.01m) WEIGHT. 210lb (95kg) COUNTRY. USA. LAST ATTENDED....

  6. 2022年3月29日 · Dennis Rodmans highlights and plays are like none other. That’s because Rodman played like none other. He made rebounds exciting. He made floor burns exciting. He made the routine seem...

  7. 2021年11月18日 · Dennis Rodmans journey to the NBA 75 team is as improbable as any other star in league history. The 2011 Hall of Fame inductee is one of the greatest rebounders and defenders the NBA has...

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