雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [dɪˈvɔːs]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 離婚 to file/sue for divorce 提起離婚訴訟
    • 2. 分離 the divorce between the material and spiritual worlds 物質世界與精神世界的分離

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 與…離婚; 判…離婚 she divorced him, she was divorced from him 她跟他離了婚
    • 2. 使分離 to divorce sth. from sth. 使某物脫離某物

    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 離婚


  2. Divorce and matrimonial proceedings are generally heard in the Family Court section of the District Court before a District Court judge and proceedings for divorce must be instituted either by a petition for divorce or by an application for divorce.

  3. IV. 申請離婚之程序和理由. 離婚和婚姻訴訟通常會在區域法院的家事法庭內由區域法院法官主審,而法院必須收到離婚呈請或離婚申請後,才會開始研訊程序。. 如個案牽涉的法律問題較為複雜,或涉及相當高價值的資產,任何一方均可申請將個案轉往高等法院 ...

  4. When You Opt for a Divorce. The following link provides you with useful information on how to apply for a divorce to the court, such as forms to fill in, details of the proceedings and whether you should hire a lawyer. How to apply for a divorce.

  5. 政府提供的相关支援. 原本租住公屋的夫妇,办完离婚诉讼后应就住屋安排接洽房屋署。. 房屋署会视乎双方的财政、子女管养权和个别情况,将公屋拨归其中一方或为双方编配各自的公屋单位。. 公屋住户离婚后的住屋安排. 政府亦会为来自单亲家庭或破碎家庭 ...

  6. If you are petitioning for divorce on your own account, fill in a petition form and take it personally to the Family Court Registry, M2, Wanchai Law Courts, Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Hong Kong. If you and your spouse have agreed to jointly apply to the court, you should together fill in a joint application form and submit it as above.

  7. 香港離婚法律服務中心 Hong Kong Divorce Service Centre. 律師團隊︰. 張志宇 律師. 王鳳英 律師. 劉翁靜 晶 律師. 黃澤林 律師. 丘婉媚 律師. 嚴賢麟 律師. 陳可美 律師.

  8. Must I explain why I want a divorce? A. Adultery 1. Is there any benefit in the trial of children issues and ancillary relief if the court accepts my spouse's adultery as proof of the ground of the divorce? 2. Can I get compensation from my spouse if the court accepts

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