雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [dəʊˈneɪʃn]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 捐贈物 to make a donation (to sb./sth.) (向某人/某機構)捐贈
    • 2. 捐贈 the donation of sth. to sb./sth. 向某人/某機構捐贈某物
  2. 與保良局連成一 「善」 誠邀你捐款支持本局各項服務,支援有需要群體︰ 「一般捐款」︰讓本局靈活調配捐款,適時支援最有需要項目或群體 選擇其他捐款計劃/項目,支援指定群體 註: 如下載捐款表格,請將填妥之捐款表格連同劃線支票、入數紙正本或信用卡資料,寄住香港銅鑼灣禮頓道66號 ...

  3. 善長可以信用卡 (VISA/ MasterCard/ 銀聯) 進行網上捐款,或透過各參與銀行提供的網上捐款服務,將善款直接存入香港明愛 支票抬頭請寫「香港明愛」。將支票連同填妥的捐款表格,郵寄或親身交到香港堅道2號明愛大廈財務辦公室

  4. GoodCity.HK is operated by Crossroads Foundation. Thousands of individual and corporate donors have trusted us to ensure their quality items help those in genuine need since 1995. Any donated goods will be given to charities and individuals in need across both Hong Kong and internationally.

  5. By Autopay. You can make donation on monthly basis by autopay. Please complete the donation form and direct debit authorization form and send to Finance Office of Caritas Hong Kong, Caritas House, 2 Caine Road, Hong Kong. Download Donation Form.

  6. 備註 每次捐款達港幣一百元或以上可憑收據按《稅務條例》於報稅時申請扣除。 香港明愛將運用您的個人資料作捐款收據及通訊之用。 根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例,您有權查閱及更正有關您的個人資料,請以書面形式通知香港明愛。

  7. Oxfam Hong Kong started to work in Africa in the 1980s. Since 1990, we have supported over 300 projects in over 20 countries, such as on emergency relief, agricultural support, water supply, basic education, health care, AIDS prevention and more. Donate Now. Smallholder Farmers Development.

  8. 凡捐款港幣一百元或以上可在香港申請稅項扣除。. 請寄發正式收據. 備註. 希望收取《童心》會訊。. 希望接收基金的其他資訊。. 兒童癌病基金及兒童紓緩服務基金的所有收入都來自公眾丶私人和機構的捐款。. 您的慷慨捐助及支援,能幫助我們為癌病及危重病 ...

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