雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. K Cash 助你一步到位 即時解決任何煩惱. K Cash 嶄新的實體 + 網上特快貸款平台,借貸最快 5 分鐘批核,24 小時現金貸款到手,全港智能櫃員機即攞現金。. 新客戶更可享原有貸款利率 8 折優惠。. 私人貸款. 年利率低至10%. 8折清數優惠申請. 轉會仲可以再借現金 ...

  2. 可參閱 常見問題 或歡迎即時 Whatsapp ,我們隨時守候為你解決問題. 所收集資料均會保密,僅作貸款申請用途。. K Cash Limited. 放債人牌照號碼:1716/2023. K Cash Express Limited. 放債人牌照號碼:0644/2024. 本網站所列之資訊謹供參考並會不時更新。. 欲了解詳情,請聯絡 ...

  3. 無論信貨評級係點,我哋都會考慮。. K Cash 會根據你嘅入息、信貸評級等資料作審批,並不會因為你嘅信貸評級就拒絕申請貸款。. 過往我哋亦成功批出信貸評級是 I 嘅個案。. K Cash 收取什麽費用?. 有冇借貸利息之外嘅任何隱性收費?. K Cash 保證絕對不會收取 ...

  4. 還款期可靈活安排,年期由短至6個月至長達60個月,客戶可根據自己的供款能力決定還款年期. 2. 實際年利率最高為36%. 3. 簡述貨款有關費用如下以作參考: 貸款額: HK$10,000. 還款期為12個月, 每月還款額為HK$975. 實際年利率為: 30%. 總還款額: HK$11,700.

  5. Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy describes the Company's policies and practices regarding the handling of personal data. The Company strives to protect the privacy, security and confidentiality of personal data held by the Company by complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (the "Ordinance") in the ...

  6. – 5 – 8. REPORTING PROCEDURES 8.1. The secretary of the Committee shall cause full minutes with sufficient details to be made in books to be provided for the purpose of the proceedings of all meetings of the Committee and of the attendances thereat and of

  7. K CASH˜CORPORATION LIMITED K CASH 集團有限公司 (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock Code : 2483 GLOBAL OFFERING Joint Sponsors Overall Coordinators, Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners Joint Bookrunners K

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