雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年11月2日 · Historical. The Ancient Ninja Strongholds of Iga & Koka. John Asano Updated November 2, 2017. Museum Ninja Shoryudo Mie Shiga. www.govoyagin.com. A lot of mystery and intrigue surround the legendary ninja of Japan. In Japanese, ninja are also called shinobi, which is a shortened form of shinobi-no-mono (忍びの者), or “those who act in stealth.”

  2. 2016年4月10日 · 10 Days of Japanese Public School Lunch. No matter how you stir it, slice it or serve it, more often than not, teaching public school a full-time job. This means your schools are going to become like a second home of sorts. This is true whether you're teaching in the U.S. or teaching in Japan. Spending lots of time at your schools, for many ...

  3. 位於九州長崎的這家“怪奇酒店”(日文:変なホテル),號稱是全世界第一家機器人酒店。. 沒錯,整個酒店全由機器人代管操控,你找不到任何人類為你服務。. 無論是剛踏入酒店一樓大廳,還是進入客房,都讓旅客們感受到高科技服務所帶來的便捷與高效 ...

  4. 10家在香港就能品嘗到使用日本食材的餐廳推薦 | All About Japan. 主頁. 美食尋味. 自創料理. 10家在香港就能品嘗到使用日本食材的餐廳推薦. AAJ編輯團隊 2018年3月23日 更新. 美食 餐廳 法國料理 日本料理 Taste of Japan. 在香港這座匯聚了特別多種菜系的中外餐廳的國際都市中,美食豐富得令人眼花繚亂,幾乎涵蓋各種主要菜系。 這次我們要精選出幾間10間積極選用日本食材的美食餐廳。 包含與日本同步的手工精釀啤酒、使用日本季節性食材入菜的法式料理、祕魯菜,或是正統的日本懷式料理、仿造日本居酒屋、築地市場風情的各式美食料理......等,相信都能讓你品嘗到最新鮮的日本季節美味。 與日本同步的手工精釀啤酒「COEDO Taproom」

  5. 周邊亦有「岡山城」和「岡山縣立博物館」等傳統景點,賞楓之餘同時感受岡山的古今魅力,沈浸於絢爛的秋色美景。. 岡山後樂園(後楽園). 賞楓時間:11月中旬~12月上旬. 交通方式:JR「岡山」站搭乘巴士10分鐘至「後樂園前」下車/搭乘路面電車在「城下 ...

  6. 2019年3月11日 · A TV commercial produced in 1984 in which an ice hockey player shoots a G-SHOCK instead of a puck and the wristwatch remains whole sparked the brand’s worldwide popularity. The commercial was criticized as being all hype, but an American TV program later tested it and proved the product’s extraordinary shock tolerance.

  7. 2022年4月27日 · Nijigen no Mori is a somewhat quirky theme park whose name means “2D Forest.” It is located on Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture, southwest of Osaka. Its rolling hills and lush fields are home to several anime-, manga-, and kaiju-themed attractions that make for a great day out (or two)! Here are five key highlights of the park. The Godzilla Zipline

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