雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 23歲的印尼籍女傭艾维亚纳·苏里斯特亚宁斯被一個 將軍澳 家庭僱用8個月從未獲得發放薪酬從未休假每日工作21小時而且遭到女 僱主 和兩名女少主虐打多次遭以衣架木棍毆打更嚴重疲勞轟炸她睡眠及進食亦嚴重不足她曾經向中介公司求助 ...

  2. 2021年6月2日 · 出版: 2021-06-02 18:23 更新:2021-08-31 17:54. 241. 因虐待女印傭Erwiana而被判囚6年的女僱主羅允彤,昨自行入稟向法院申請破產,根據司法機構資料,案件將於6月28日在高院提訊。. 羅在虐女傭事件被揭發後,曾先後遭Erwiana及另一女傭追討賠償,並曾被下令須 ...

  3. 事發經過 [ 編輯] 23歲的印尼籍女傭艾維亞納·蘇里斯特亞寧斯被一個 將軍澳 家庭僱用8個月,從未獲得發放薪酬、從未休假,每日工作21小時,而且遭到女 僱主 和兩名女少主虐打,多次遭以衣架、木棍毆打,更嚴重疲勞轟炸她,睡眠及進食亦嚴重不足,她曾經向 ...

  4. 2017年12月21日 · 轟動國際的印傭Erwiana被虐案在2014年1月曝光當年首次來港工作的23歲印傭Erwiana在香港機場返回印尼時被一名同鄉印傭發現她面部腫脹雙手滿布瘀黑傷痕身上傷痕纍纍初時她否認被打並堅拒報警只稱自己皮膚過敏及後才透露被傭主毆打

    • Early Life
    • Abuse
    • Repercussions
    • Time 100
    • External Links

    Erwiana was born on 7 January 1991 to Rohmad and Suratmi Saputra. Her father was a part-time worker. After graduating from high school, she wished to continue her education to become an accountant. However, she had to forgo higher education because of her family's economic situation. This prompted her to apply to be a migrant worker. Eventually she...

    Erwiana was physically abused for 8 months by her employer, a mother in her forties, Law Wan-tung. Erwiana claimed that she was made to sleep on the floor, work 21 hours per day, and was not permitted a day off. If she did not clean the house or was slow to respond to her employers call, she would be beaten. She alleged that she was beaten with var...

    This incident highlighted ongoing concerns regarding the treatment of domestic workers in Hong Kong. In November 2012, Amnesty International condemned the Hong Kong and Indonesian governments for leaving women vulnerable to exploitation, restrictions on freedoms, physical and sexual violence, lack of food and long working hours.As a result of the p...

    In April 2014, Time released its 2014 edition of "100 Most Powerful People", which included Sulistyaningsih in the 'Icons' category. Along with several names issued by anti-violation activist Somaly Mam, Erwiana was cited as an "inspiration" for other migrant workers fighting against violence and discrimination. In the magazine, Mam was quoted as s...

  5. 2017年12月21日 · 出版: 2017-12-21 16:21 更新:2018-02-10 00:02. 印尼女傭Erwiana被女僱主羅允彤虐打,羅於前年襲擊罪成被判囚六年,目前正在監獄中服刑。. Erwiana期後向羅民事索償約80.9萬元,法院早前已裁定羅須負上賠償責任,而區域法官今(21日)再頒下判辭,裁定羅須 ...

  6. 2021年12月7日 · 本報訊女僱主羅允彤於2015年2月因虐打印傭Erwiana被判監6年現已出獄的羅於今年6月向高院提出呈請自行申請破產案件昨在高院聆案官黎達祥席前提訊聆案官在無人提出反對下正式向羅頒下破產令

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