雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Exchange Scholarship Subsidise the airfares and living expenses of students on academic exchanges outside Hong Kong (on a semester or one-year basis) Service-Learning Scholarship

  2. 提高香港在金融科技領域的領導地位 理大與業界合作開發金融科技 金融科技(FinTech)為全球金融界帶來翻天覆地的改變。金融業佔香港本地生產總值百分之十八,隨著FinTech熱潮而來的挑戰和機遇,對香港金融業的蓬勃發展極為重要。建基於香港在粵港澳大灣區的歷史和策略位置,政府亦決意 ...

  3. 2022年6月13日 · 只有英文版本 In the ever-changing landscape of financial technology, how a new bank-level exchange that combines both physical and online trading services wit... PolyU 85th Anniversary Digital Transformation Frontiers Online Forum on "Introduction of Centralized Crypto Exchange" | 校友

  4. 歡迎您成為香港理工大學基金會員!理大基金為您度身訂造一系列專享福利,多方面照顧您的身心健康。憑您的理大基金會員卡可享以下優惠,讓您健康快樂過每天。 作為香港理工大學的重要一員,您只需憑香港理工大學基金(理大基金)會員卡即可使用理大或理大相關單位的服務(請細閱下列及 ...

  5. During the exchange programme, I broadened my horizons and made new friends from different countries. Studying abroad enhanced my understanding of how information technology helps various sectors, and I decided to be a system analyst so I can contribute to society after graduation.

  6. 理大基金秉持以下目標支持大學發展:. 開闢大學設施及資源,以完善教學質素. 推進科研和科技發展,以回應社會各界所需. 鼓勵學生全人發展並提高他們的競爭力. 理大基金主席的話. 理大校長的話. 管治委員會. 會籍.

  7. 2020年12月30日 · With the new year approaching, President Professor Jin-Guang Teng met with the alumni to share the latest development of PolyU and exchange views and suggestions for the way forward in 2021. Two sessions of “President’s Dialogue with Alumni” were held on 29 and 30 December 2020, attracting 200 alumni from local, mainland and ...

  8. 理大很榮幸獲得香港益力多乳品有限公司慷慨捐贈成立「香港理工大學-香港益力多腸道益生菌益生元與人類健康聯合研究實驗室」,簽署儀式已於2021年9月17日隆重舉行。 香港益力多乳品有限公司董事總經理塚本進先生於典禮上致辭時表示:「我們的企業理念是透過對自然科學不斷的追尋,尤其對 ...

  9. 2022年6月13日 · In the ever-changing landscape of financial technology, how a new bank-level exchange that combines both physical and online trading services with their... PolyU 85th Anniversary Digital Transformation Frontiers Online Forum on "Introduction of Centralized Crypto Exchange" | Alumni

  10. 2022年6月13日 · In the ever-changing landscape of financial technology, how a new bank-level exchange that combines both physical and online trading services with their ecosystem, can create new opportunities and achieve success in the world of web3?

  11. PolyU received a generous donation from China Candlelight Educational Fund to support financially needy students participating in various experiential learning activities, including internship, Service-Learning, exchange, study tour and more, in Mainland China.

  12. exchange with professors and expertise from different disciplines, as well as scholarships and small research grants. In addition, participating students will be automatically admitted to the College of Undergraduate Researchers and Innovators (CURI ...

  13. 海外捐款 理大歡迎海外校友及友好捐助,透過設立學生獎學金、研究獎學金、勵學教授席或其他方式,資助學生或大學的發展。美加校友的捐款可作退稅之用,並將用以釐定理大基金會員資格及級別用途。 美國捐款 美國的善長可透過理大的非牟利夥伴「Give2Asia」進行捐助,並根據《美國國內收入法 ...

  14. With the aim of supporting and nurturing promising early-career academics, PolyU has launched the Endowed Young Scholars Scheme to partner with our donors and benefactors, in driving innovations that bring positive and long-term changes to the world. An Endowed Young Scholar position can be established with a donation of HK$4 million.

  15. The Fund aims to provide additional resources to eligible students so that they can focus more on their studies as well as participating in various purpose-driven initiatives and holistic development activities, including student-initiated caring projects, exchange

  16. International exchange programme Education in Chinese history and culture to enhance students’ understanding of their country and their sense of national identity A great variety of art and cultural events and programmes, including performing arts, visual arts

  17. 李嘉誠樓M1504室. 2766 4101. polyu.foundation@polyu.edu.hk. 架構 理大基金是理大校董會轄下的其中一個委員會。. 榮譽主席 顏吳餘英博士, MH, JP 潘燊昌博士, SBS 胡應湘爵士, GBS, KCMG, FICE 葉傑全博士 管治委員會 主席 查毅超博士, SBS...

  18. Monthly Donation Scheme. At PolyU, we treasure every dollar of donation as it represents the trust, support and love of our alumni and donors. Pledging a monthly donation is an unweaving commitment to PolyU by providing a stable and reliable funding source so we can pursue long-term planning for making fundamental and tremendous changes.

  19. 每項捐贈、每份心意,理大皆珍而重之。您的慷慨捐助,啟迪理大學生為社會作出長久貢獻。理大透過大樓、項目和獎學金命名、在大學刊物致謝及其他方式表揚支持者的熱心善行。 您可透過銀行匯票、轉帳、現金、支票、信用卡或電匯等不同方式捐助理大,各適其適。捐款港幣一百元或以上可憑 ...

  20. By the 2027/28 academic year, PolyU aspires to send half of its students to take part in Service-Learning projects outside Hong Kong. We invite you to join hands with PolyU to maximise the impact of our community service efforts and nurture future leaders and global citizens for our society by donating to the PolyU Service-Learning Fund.

  21. 聯絡我們. 拓展事務處致力建立支持大學發展的社群網絡,旨在加強大學與校友、各界友好和善長之間的密切聯繫,並集合各方力量和資源,幫助大學達致可持續發展並對社會作出更大貢獻。. 歡迎聯絡我們,提出您的寶貴建議。. 地址︰. 香港九龍紅磡香港 ...

  22. It is the mission of the Sin Wai Kin Foundation to support the development of humanities. By establishing this Endowed Professorship, we aim to foster ground-breaking progress in the context of humanities research amid the ever-changing technological environment, so as to instil interest in humanities among students, scholars and members of the ...

  23. 捐贈者 馮堯敬慈善基金會 馮堯敬慈善基金會由成功企業家及慈善家馮堯敬先生於一九七九年創辦。馮先生聞名香港及中國內地,不僅因其輝煌之銀行事業;他畢生行善濟貧,社會各界莫不景仰。 馮先生的德範,現在由馮堯敬慈善基金會繼續發揚。基金會主要資助醫療及教育的發展。過去多年惠澤 ...

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