雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年3月24日 · 6 Traditional Japanese Tabletop Games. Sugu Althomsons Updated March 24, 2023. Gaming Rainy Days. Admittedly, there's really no such thing as a completely homegrown Japanese tabletop game. But Japan has had centuries—and often more than a millennium—to put its own spin on imports from other countries. Check out our top picks to play on a rainy day!

  2. 2022年5月17日 · 知名旅遊指南加持! 2022年日本造訪首選「四國地區」之魅力剖析 | All About Japan. 下町貴族 2022年5月17日 更新. 高地 深度旅遊 愛媛 香川 德島 四國地區. pixta.jp. 2021年11月世界知名旅遊指南孤獨星球Lonely Planet)》公佈了2022年推薦旅行目的地名單日本四國地區獲選為最佳地區第6名也是日本2022年唯一獲選是什麼樣的魅力讓四國從全日本全世界中脫穎而出呢? 《孤獨星球》年度推薦最佳旅行名單. ©一般社団法人四国ツーリズム創造機構.

  3. 山脈,河流,森林是這個星球最重要的自然產物,而村莊則是人類創建出來的。當兩者完美融合時,某些村莊就會成為這座國家引以為傲的“最美村莊”。AAJ將為您呈現日本東北地區最美的五座小村莊,他們中的絕大部分或許你還是第一次聽說呢。

  4. 2016年8月8日 · The middle of the strap should also remain raised and not bent or twisted, in order to keep the material off the top of your foot. It might seem counterintuitive to wear the shoes this way, but doing so actually pushes your heel two to three centimeters (0.8–1.2 inches) off the back of the sandal, which helps with balance, making it easy to walk.

  5. pixta.jp. 來到日本關西山陰山陽自由行,不可錯過位於中國地區的岡山!. 岡山是日本雨量較少的縣,被稱為「晴天之國」,擁有瀨戶內海群島美景,秋天更以絢爛多彩的賞楓景點聞名於世。. 倉敷美觀地區、吉備津峽谷、岡山後樂園、岡山城公園、奧津溪谷等 ...

  6. 2018年7月26日 · A yukata is essentially a casual summer kimono, commonly made from unlined cotton, worn by both women and men. Used traditionally like a bathrobe, and still worn today in ryokan (traditional Japanese inns) or walking around onsen (hot spring) towns, the yukata can be likened to the traditional Japanese version of a T-shirt, shorts and flip flops.

  7. 2019年11月26日 · Japan offers a variety of seasonal activities, highlighting unique variations on beautiful scenery. The bright colors of fall will welcome new and old visitors to step out and view the fall foliage, or koyo. Outer Tokyo awaits those who want a quick getaway from the city or (sometimes) an evening trip to soak in a few lesser-known spots. 5.

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