雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The members of the board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”) of K Cash Corporation Limited and their roles and functions are set out below: Executive Directors. Mr. Lee Kun Tai Steven Ms. Wong Cheuk Sze. Non-executive Directors. Mr. Lee Sheung Shing Ms. Lee Pik Tsong Ms. Chan Wing Sze Ms. Kan Pui Yan. Independent non-executive ...

  2. K Cash突破貸款界限,只要喺網上即時申請借貸及簽署貸款合約,就可自由選擇 FPS 或者親臨分行7x24 即刻攞 Cash。 8折清數優惠申請 而家轉會成為K Cash新客戶,原有貸款利率即享8折優惠,幫你慳息慳時間,話咁易就還清貸款,改善埋 ...

  3. K Cash提供數碼化貸款流程和科技整合,從申請到簽約,全程網上完成,只需提供簡單文件及資料,現金最快即日到手。 傳統貸款公司. 貸款流程速度較慢. 借款人可能需要提交大量文件和資料,並且等待較長時間進行審核和核准。 重視客戶私隱. K Cash十分著重網絡系統的安全,因此採用保安接層加密技術(SSL),確保客戶在網上或門市辦理貸款申請時所輸入的資料於傳送前已進行加密,全面保障客戶的個人資料和私隱。 傳統貸款公司. 私隱保護不完善. 部份公司可能缺乏相應的保安措施和加密技術,導致客戶的個人資料和私隱受到風險。 唔使露面就借到. 餐廳上咗軌道,咁梗係想順住個勢所以決定咗開分店。

  4. Lee Sheung Shing Chairman Hong Kong, 12 March 2024 As at the date of this announcement, the board of Directors of the Company comprises Mr. Lee Kun Tai Steven and Ms. Wong Cheuk Sze as executive Directors, Mr. Lee Sheung Shing, Ms. Lee Pik

  5. (b) To re-elect Mr. Lee Sheung Shing as a non-executive Director; (c) To re-elect Prof. HungWai ManJPas an independent non-executive Director; and (d) To authorise the board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) to fix the Directors’ remuneration. 3. To 4.

  6. K Cash 實體 + 網上智能金融貸款平台,借貸最快 5 分鐘批核,24 小時現金到手,全港智能櫃員機即攞現金。新客戶更可享利率 8 折優惠。K Cash 已處理貸款申請數量超過 8 萬宗。

  7. In this circular, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings: “Annual General Meeting” the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at Theatre A, HKGCC, 22/F United Centre, 95 Queensway