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    I love my bouquet of flowers from Prestige Flowers - Spooky Mrs Green


  1. 2016年12月21日 · We spend a lot of time around the office researching, tasting and (after a trip) gifting omiyage (souvenirs). So it seemed natural we'd make our own ultimate list of premium presents across Japan. Some are unique, and some are familiar—and all are great gifts from their respective prefectures!

  2. 2019年6月17日 · This is a collection of 10 original gifts from Japan that represent the rich cultural heritage of this wonderful country—and tend to go down well with overseas visitors, too.

  3. 福砂屋的長崎蛋糕的主要特色是在蛋糕底部殘留了雙目糖糖粒,與其他家相比口感較濕潤,口味偏甜卻不膩,吃完嘴裡的甘甜味,令人滿足。 除了長條狀的蜂蜜蛋糕適合拿來招待到家作客的點心,兩片小巧包裝的方盒體包裝,也很適合作為禮輕情意重的伴手禮。 值得一提的是,在福岡機場還能購得限定版包裝,有興趣的朋友不妨可以參考看看。 價格:2片約297日幣、1條約1,323日幣. 抹茶口味的綠色戀人! 博多貓舌八女茶玉露抹茶. https://omiyadata.com/jp/ 福岡知名的茶葉生產業者「原口園」出品的「八女玉露抹茶ラングドシャ(八女茶玉露抹茶 博多貓舌餅)」是近年來興起的新商品。 沒想到福岡也有產綠茶吧!

  4. 2016年3月25日 · Looking for just the right gift during the holiday season? Nihon Ichiban offers an array of stunning traditional Japanese products made by skilled artisans applying ancient techniques to innovative, modern designs. Why not give the gift of something unique you

  5. 2019年6月17日 · These original gifts represent the rich cultural heritage of this country—and tend to go down well with overseas visitors, too!

  6. 2015年2月9日 · If you’re a Ghibli fan, the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo’s Mitaka is probably high on your bucket list of places to visit. One thing you’ll definitely want to do if you go there is to check out the gift items sold at the museum shop Mamma Aiuto. But, as there are so many

  7. 2018年6月8日 · 10 of the Best Gift Shops in Kyoto. There are thousands of interesting shops selling traditional goods in Kyoto. But, there are a few that are standing head and shoulders above the rest, offering unique goods that even Japanese customers can’t wait to get their hands on. So let's take a look at ten unique stores and their adorable products. 10.

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