雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Gigi的父母想買入新居安享退休生活,但收入不足難以申請按揭。Gigi於是安排父母做業主(抵押人+借款人),並加入她自己做借款人。不過由於Gigi的還款能力不足,最終加入哥哥做擔保人。

    • Wealth Protection
    • Family Protection
    • Wealth and Protection Transfer
    • Estate Equalisation
    • The Beauty of Legacy Planning

    Life insurance policies with a savings element give you a lifetime of protection and can serve as a tool to help accumulate wealth for the long term. While you are growing the cash value of your policy with the premiums you pay, you may receive regular cash bonuses and dividends under the policy, subject to market conditions, which you can use to f...

    Life can be unpredictable, and the lack of adequate protection could leave your family exposed financially in the wake of unfortunate events. That is why a life policy typically protects the insured person’s family with a sizeable death benefit in the unfortunate event of his/ her untimely passing. Some jurisdictions outside Hong Kong may impose es...

    Some life policies allow you to change the life insured1(Subject to the approval of insurance company), which gives you the option to pass on your wealth and life protection to the next generation at an earlier time if you wish. A life policy also allows you to change your designated beneficiary (ies), so you always have the flexibility to allocate...

    Sometimes people want to divide their assets evenly but not all assets and holdings can be easily divided into equal or defined portions. Purchasing a life insurance policy can be a good way to ensure effective distribution, so that, if you wish, all your beneficiaries would receive nearly equal shares of your estate. Applicable products: Whole Lif...

    Mr. and Mrs. Chan’s estate is worth a total of HKD20 million, including a HKD8 million property. They plan to keep a portion of it for their retirement and divide the rest equally between their two children as inheritance. Without using insurance in legacy planning In this hypothetical scenario, Mr. and Mrs. Chan may have to ensure they spend no mo...

  2. 保險術語學院. 保險情報. 2021年7月. 在查閱保單時,您是不是很希望有人可以為您從旁翻譯?. 只要細閱以下我們為您準備的基本保險詞彙解說,以後便可輕易明白保單的內容。. 基本保險詞彙. 人壽保險詞彙. 醫療保險詞彙.

  3. 保險是最有效的財富傳承工具之一 。 由於人壽保單可指定受益人,假若受保人的摯愛不幸離世,受益人可於短時間内取得身故賠償金。 滙豐保險所有人壽保險的申請人可以於申請階段提名以下關係之受益人: * 申請者必需提供滙豐所要求之證明文件,並申明保單持有人/受保人之生存對保單受益人有利益,及受保人離世後所得到的賠償金對受保人有利益,即會為受益人帶來財務上的損失或困難。

  4. 登記參加抽獎. 滙豐One相信要做世一,就要敢去挑戰,放膽做自己,legend就係你! 為咗鼓勵大家,滙豐One破天荒聯乘LoL世界級電競隊T1,希望透過佢哋嗰份無限熱誠,堅定信念,去感染每個不跟平凡嘅你。

  5. 傳承之道: 更改保單受保⼈讓保單延續. 傳承之道: 更改保單受保⼈讓保單延續 | 滙豐保險. Watch on. 2023年1月. 3 分鐘. 延續對家人的愛,守護與傳承是秘訣之一。. 保險計劃的「更改保單受保人」選項,可助您達成目標。. 「富,不過三代」或可改寫。.

  6. When she is 46, Pauline is involved in an accident. Even though she is safe at the end, the experience drives home the importance of planning one’s legacy in the face of life’s uncertainty. The below 2 hypotheses illustrate the potentially life-changing differences between having and not having insurance protection.

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