雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The argument that the Guo yu partly resorted to the same written sources as the Zuo was asserted by several scholars, such as Jie, Liu 劉節, “ Zuo zhuan, Guo yu, Shi ji zhi bijiao yanjiu ” 左傳國語史記比較研究, in Gushi kaocun 古史考存 (Beijing: Renmin, 328

    • Yuri Pines
    • 1997
  2. 2024年4月27日 · 王菀之 (英语: Ivana Wong Yuen Chi ,1979年6月18日-), 香港 唱作女歌手、作曲家、演员、艺术家,2005年加入乐坛已被喻为“被天使吻过的声音”。 [3] 两度于香港 红磡体育馆 举行个人演唱会,2012年凭《留白》勇夺香港四大音乐颁奖礼歌曲奖及“2012年度 十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼 金曲金奖”。 Ivana曾连续7年获得 商业电台 叱咤乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼 “ 叱咤乐坛唱作人 ”奖项,并四度荣获“叱咤乐坛唱作人金奖”,为她带来“唱作女皇”的美誉。 2008年9月于STAR HALL举行两场入行后首次个人演唱会《我来自火星演唱会》,首场邀得歌神 张学友 当特别嘉宾,两人合唱《我真的受伤了》(王菀之为 张学友 创作的歌曲)。

  3. 王菀之 (英語: Ivana Wong Yuen Chi ,1979年6月18日-), 香港 唱作女歌手、作曲家、演員、藝術家,2005年加入樂壇已被喻為「被天使吻過的聲音」。 [3] 兩度於香港 紅磡體育館 舉行個人演唱會,2012年憑《留白》勇奪香港四大音樂頒獎禮歌曲獎及「2012年度 十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮 金曲金獎」。 Ivana曾連續7年獲得 商業電台 叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮 「 叱咤樂壇唱作人 」獎項,並四度榮獲「叱咤樂壇唱作人金獎」,為她帶來「唱作女皇」的美譽。 2008年9月於STAR HALL舉行兩場入行後首次個人演唱會《我來自火星演唱會》,首場邀得歌神 張學友 當特別嘉賓,兩人合唱《我真的受傷了》(王菀之為 張學友 創作的歌曲)。

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Zuo_ZhuanZuo Zhuan - Wikipedia

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    Despite its longstanding status as the paragon of Classical Chinese prose, little is known of the Zuo Zhuan′s creation and early history. Bamboo and silk manuscripts excavated from late Warring States period (c.300 BC) tombs, combined with analyses of its language, diction, chronological references, and philosophical viewpoints, suggest that the Zuo Zhuan's composition was largely complete by 300 BC. However, no pre-Han dynasty (202 BC – AD220) source indicates that the Zuo Zhuan had to that...


    Sima Qian's 1st century BC Records of the Grand Historian, the first of China's 24 dynastic histories, refers to the Zuo Zhuan as "Zuǒshì chūnqiū" (左氏春秋; "Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals") and attributes it to a man named "Zuo Qiuming" (or possibly "ZuoqiuMing"). According to Sima Qian, Confucius's disciples began disagreeing over their interpretations of the Annals after Confucius's death. Zuo therefore gathered together Confucius's scribal records and used them to compile the Zuo Anna...

    Commentary status

    In the early 19th century, the Chinese scholar Liu Fenglu (劉逢祿; 1776–1829) initiated a long, drawn-out controversy when he proposed, by emphasizing certain discrepancies between it and the Annals, that the Zuo Zhuan was not originally a commentary on the Annals. Liu's theory was taken much further by the prominent scholar and reformer Kang Youwei, who argued that Liu Xin did not really find the "ancient script" version of the Zuo Zhuan in the imperial archives, as historical records describe,...


    The Zuo Zhuan recounts the major political, military, and social events of the Spring and Autumn period from the perspective of the State of Lu. The book is famous "for its dramatic power and realistic details".It contains a variety of tense and dramatic episodes: battles and fights, royal assassinations and murder of concubines, deception and intrigue, excesses, citizens' oppression and insurgences, and appearances of ghosts and cosmic portents. Each Zuo Zhuan chapter begins with the Spring...


    Zuo Zhuan narratives have a famously terse and succinct quality that was admired and imitated throughout Chinese history and usually focus either on speeches that illustrate ethical values, or on anecdotes in which the details of the story illuminate specific ethical points. Its narratives are characterized by parataxis, where clauses are juxtaposed with little verbal indication of their causal relationships with each other. On the other hand, the speeches and recorded discourses of the Zuo Z...

    The Zuo Zhuan's overarching theme is that haughty, evil, and stupid people generally bring disaster upon themselves, while those who are good, wise, and humble are usually justly rewarded. The Confucian principle of "ritual propriety (禮; lǐ) is seen as governing all actions, including war, and to bring bad consequences if transgressed. However, the...

    The Zuo Zhuan has been recognized as a masterpiece of early Chinese prose and "grand historical narrative" for many centuries. It has had an immense influence on Chinese literature and historiography for nearly 2000 years, and was the primary text by which historical Chinese readers gained an understanding of China's ancient history. It enjoyed hig...

    James Legge (1872), The Ch'un Ts'ew, with the Tso Chuen, The Chinese Classics V, London: Trübner, Part 1 (books 1–8), Part 2 (books 9–12). Revised edition (1893), London: Oxford University Press.
    (in French) Séraphin Couvreur (1914), Tch'ouen Ts'iou et Tso Tchouan, La Chronique de la Principauté de Lou [Chunqiu and Zuo Zhuan, Chronicle of the State of Lu], Ho Kien Fou: Mission Catholique.
    (in Japanese) Teruo Takeuchi 竹内照夫 (1974–75). Shunjū Sashiden 春秋左氏伝 [Chunqiu Zuoshi zhuan]. Zenshaku kanbun taikei 全釈漢文体系 [Fully Interpreted Chinese Literature Series] 4–6. Tokyo: Shūeisha.

    Yang Bojun (1990). Chunqiu Zuozhuan zhu 春秋左传注[Annotated Chunqiu Zuozhuan]. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju. ISBN 7-101-00262-5.

  5. 《訓語》有曰:『夏衰也,駁人神化為二龍,以同于王庭,而言曰:余駁二君也。 夏后卜殺與安與止,莫吉。 卜請其漦而藏,吉。

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. URN: ctp:guo-yu/zhou-yu-zhong. 語中 - full text database, fully browsable and searchable on-line; discussion and list of publications related to 周語中. In English and simplified and traditional Chinese.

  8. 王菀之(Ivana Wong Yuen Chi1979年6月18日-),香港著名實力派歌手及演員2005年加入樂壇被喻為擁有天籟之音」,一直橫掃各大音樂頒獎禮的創作歌曲及歌手獎兩度於香港紅磡體育館舉行個人演唱會2017年伙拍張敬軒紅館演唱會2012年憑留白勇奪四大音樂頒獎禮歌曲獎與及2012年度十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮金曲金獎」,氣勢一時無兩。 王菀之在戲劇演出方面亦極具天賦,2014年首次參與電影演出,即憑《金雞SSS》榮獲第34屆香港電影金像獎「最佳新演員」及「最佳女配角」兩個獎項,以及第9屆亞洲電影大獎「最佳新演員」提名,演技備受肯定。