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  1. By understanding the regulations of public housing decoration, making comparison among decoration contractors and choosing the best one based on your own needs and budget, your public housing unit can then be transformed into your dream home.

  2. 公屋裝修價錢概覽. 不論是房屋署承辦商其他裝修公司或自行裝修公屋裝修價錢其實都豐儉由人。 香港公屋大多介乎300呎至400呎左右,以下為坊間300至400呎裝修價錢的參考: 基本裝修方案: 300呎至400呎裝修價錢:約$86,800 - $113,800. 上述300呎至400呎裝修價錢已包括了一些基本的裝修如客廳房間鋪地磚、窗台石條、牆身天花翻油等等… 看清報價單. 身為精明的住戶,應該要求承辦商提供詳盡的公屋裝修價錢,以防止超支的情況出現,立即 按此了解更多 一份好的報價單需具備的細項。 萬一於裝修期間不慎遇到公屋裝修價錢超支的情況,也不用過份擔心。 申請邦民 即批私人貸款 ,助您輕鬆解決資金周轉煩惱,讓您繼續無憂實現理想家居!

  3. 選購現成傢俬. 訂造傢俬耗時又昂貴,安裝時亦可能要收取額外費用,想盡量減低裝修報價單上的金額,不妨考慮選用一些現成傢俬。 其實很多傢俬舖都有各式富有時尚品味的商品可供選擇,無需擔心找不到合適風格的傢俱。 再者,選用現成傢俬更可於無需大手改動家中格局下,因應潮流和喜好,隨時改變家居風格。 裝修報價單3大注意位. 雖然精明裝修攻略可為您減低超支危機,但仍不是萬全之策。 如果想進一步避免裝修超支,甚或爛尾的情況,就要在閱讀裝修報價單時,密切留意以下事項。 要點一:細閱裝修報價表. 詳細列出各項工程. 各項工程數量. 各項工程單價. 分項合計. 工程總計. 人工/物料收費計算方式. 付款方式. 合約條款. 工期. 保險費計算方式.

  4. Can't find what you need from the FAQ section? PROMISE is here to help! Submit your enquiry or opinions via the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3

  5. Promise can help you choose the most suitable personal loan, which the application procedure is simple, to resolve your financial needs e.g. cash flow, credit card payment, education needs, advanced studies, relocation, home renovation, travel, etc.

  6. In general, if you choose to receive the repayment by bank account, we will transfer the loan instantly via FPS from Monday to Saturday (excludes system maintenance period) upon completion of the application procedure. Note: Actual time of fund transfer will be

  7. Promise offers a variety of loan products for different financial issues. You can apply online without showing up. Learn more and find the optimum plan now.

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