雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 版本: . í î 註 1. 全新網銀客戶無須填寫企業網上銀行號碼。Note1:Corporate Internet Banking No. is Not applicable to new Corporate Internet Banking customers. 註 2. 如使用者持有的電子證書經已遺失或損壞,申請保安編碼器時請提交"終止使用電子證書申請

  2. Register “Biometric Authentication” (Option to register later) 5. Set up “Mobile Token” Passcode. 6. Input “Security Device” one-time “Security Code”. 7. You will receive an “SMS One-Time Password” (OTP) from the mobile phone number registered with the Bank, input the OTP to complete the activation.

  3. 注意事項 Remarks: 如本行向首席使用者重發企業網上銀行密碼,其持有的電子證書密碼仍維持不變。. The e-Certificate password will remain unchanged even if we re-issue the Corporate Internet Banking Password to the Primary User. 一般情況下,本行將於收到申請表格後3 個工作日內寄出密碼函或 ...

  4. Do not disclose your Internet Banking username and password to anyone. You should also avoid disclosing your personal information to anyone (e.g. HKID/passport number and copy, date of birth, etc.) . And you should not upload or capture your personal information by the use of any third-party website or mobile app not authorised by us or any electronic devices of other people.

  5. The minimum cash withdrawal amount is HK$300 for ATM of JETCO. Customers who withdraw cash by using BOC Card via ATM network other than those of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and JETCO in Hong Kong or via ATM network through JETCO or UnionPay outside Hong Kong, will be subject to handling fee and the terms and conditions stipulated by the ...

  6. BoC Pay. BoC Pay為一站式本地及跨境流動支付應用程式,您毋須在內地開立銀行賬戶,可透過BoC Pay在大灣區各地一掃即付,盡享消費便利。. 加上P2P個人轉賬功能,讓您隨時進行免費實時跨行轉賬。. 您更可透過BoC Pay的跨境匯款服務以智能賬戶匯款給內地親友,支持 ...

  7. Its contents have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. BOCHK mobile account opening service allows you to open bank account online with ease and enjoy digital and mobile banking services 24x7. Download BOCHK Mobile Banking to learn more mobile account opening offers and integrated account services!