雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 正選
    賽季 202312
    3月 17日@車路士
    2 - 4
  2. 2016年11月30日 · The building itself is a tasteful Hakone ryokan with many years of history. It's an example of sukiya -style architecture that has been recognized as a tangible cultural property of Japan. Each room faces the Hayakawa River, which flows through Hakone, and allows for beautiful views of nature regardless of the season.

  3. 周邊亦有「岡山城」和「岡山縣立博物館」等傳統景點,賞楓之餘同時感受岡山的古今魅力,沈浸於絢爛的秋色美景。. 岡山後樂園(後楽園). 賞楓時間:11月中旬~12月上旬. 交通方式:JR「岡山」站搭乘巴士10分鐘至「後樂園前」下車/搭乘路面電車在「城下 ...

  4. 2018年1月23日 · Even more fantastic, the Hachinohe area is also supposedly the final resting place of Jesus Christ. After passing through the sleepy town of Shingomura (a town that coincidentally only has one shingo, or traffic light, built so kids from the town wouldn't be shocked when they saw them elsewhere), it isn’t long before you encounter a hilariously frank street sign that lets you know you’re ...

  5. 2018年6月18日 · The joined halves of the shells represent a happy, tight-knit marriage in the girl's future. https://flic.kr/p/dcCHm. All this food is downed with shirozake (白酒, lit. “white sake”), a sweet, white sake drink containing a 8 to 9 percent alcohol. It’s made by combining rice, koji rice mold and shochu (a kind of distilled liquor) and ...

  6. 2019年1月23日 · An okiya is a house that manages maiko (girls training to become geiko) and geiko —the Kyoto word for geisha, women trained to entertain guests with music, conversation and dances at banquets. Girls who aspire to become geiko live in an okiya and train under the mistress, whom they call okaasan (mother).

  7. 2016年2月2日 · 在五花八门的日本传统点心中,团子(dango)是一个重要的分支。就像汤圆(元宵)之于中国人,团子是一种老少咸宜且价廉物美的日常点心。在各地的民俗中团子也扮演了重要的角色,比如正月二十吃的“二十日团子”,春天和秋天吃的“彼岸团子”,4月8日的“佛生会团子”,中秋节的“月見 ...

  8. 2023年12月25日 · One of the small alleyway shops of Nonbei Yokocho in Shibuya. (All photos by ROBBIE SWINNERTON) Tokyo's yokocho, local backstreets and alleyways lined with bars and casual eateries, are a beloved part of this vibrant city. Food critic ROBBIE SWINNERTON introduces a half dozen of his favorites.