雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Kwiksure has partnered with all the top insurers in Hong Kong. We are committed to offering the highest quality insurance products and services to all customers.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 第三者責任保險. 第三者保險 - 火險及失竊. 綜合保險. 提供綜合保障的的士保險計劃,讓的士司機及其的士能得到全面保障。 這種保險計劃不單止包括以上提及的第三者保障,亦會保障你及你的車輛所受到的損失或損毀。 如果投保的士被竊、遺失,或在意外中受到損毀,保險公司將會視乎情況而決定賠償維修費用,還是以相近車價的車輛進行替換。 的士司機能得到無索償折扣嗎? 私家車保險最受歡迎的一個特點是 無索償折扣 (NCD) ,只要你在過去每一年內不曾索償,你就能得到保費折扣。 的士司機亦能享有這個折扣,而且一般來說,折扣率跟私家車車主所獲得的一樣。 要注意的是,雖然的士司機只要未曾提出過索償申請,就能得到折扣,但很多保險公司實際上最終會收取較高的保費,導致你所獲得的折扣無效。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Different Schemes For Driving to Macao and Zhuhai
    • Cover Limits of The Three Jurisdictions
    • More Guides and Useful Information

    This section is subdivided into two parts, depending on whether you are going to Macao or Zhuhai. Basically, there are two options for going to Macao via HZMB, namely the Park-and-Ride Scheme and the Quota Scheme. As for Zhuhai, you will have to obtain a special permit to visit Zhuhai via the bridge. Our infographic serves as a valuable tool that g...

    In this part, we list out the requirements of coverage limits in the three places so that you can ascertain your insurance cover limit is adequate enough to protect you in the event of a car accident. One special point to note is that, even if you are only driving from Hong Kong to Macao, you will have to acquire a valid Mainland China motor insura...

    In a nutshell, supplemented with detailed and clearly written resources, this infographic serves as a useful tool that showcases all the essential steps Hong Kong private car drivers should undertake before crossing the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB). Go ahead and download the infographic HERE. Dedicated to simplifying insurance, Kwiksure pub...

  3. Kwiksures comparison of the pros and cons of buying a new vs used car in Hong Kong.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  4. 2024年2月28日 · Therefore, most owners need to charge their cars somewhere along the trip. In this Kwiksure article, we will look at the four major challenges (charging adapters, finding charging stations, finding parking spaces, handling accidents) that electric car drivers need to pay attention to when heading north. 1. Different Charging Standards in Hong ...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  5. 主頁. . 船舶保險. 根據本港法例規定,船主必須為船隻或遊艇購備保險。 船體保險能夠保障受保人的財物損失。 船體是指船舶的外部船殼,船體保險條款大多數都訂明只會為特定的風險提供保障 (保障僅適用於指定風險)。 遊艇通常購備的第三者保險,用作保障第三方在碰撞或意外中的損失。 船舶保險牽涉相對複雜的風險評估,因此我們通常會為每個投保個案作個別評核。 假如你希望查詢船隻保險的報價,請先 填寫報價表格 並交回給我們作詳細評估。 立即獲取免費報價. 正在尋找最合適的船舶保險? 快而保有一系列的保險計劃為您提供全面保障。 免費報價. 私人船舶保險能夠保障你的船身、機械,以及船上的裝置與配件。

  6. 2024年1月18日 · 作者: Kwiksure 團隊 分享: 香港新登記電動車數目屢創新高,單計去年 12 月香港新登記電動車數目更突破 3,000 部。 為吸引數量龐大的電動車車主,不少商場也提供電動車優惠,例如泊車優惠,讓電動車車主可以輕鬆為愛車充電之餘,又可節省泊車成本。 今次快而保與大家分享兩大主要商場營運商 信和 及 領展 的電動車泊車優惠,並附有申請教學。 延伸閱讀: 【一換一3月告終】電動車登記稅寬減 | 最新Quota價格 | 計劃資格流程. 【電動車2024】盤點11款最期待新款EV | 賣點、預計售價、交車時間. 信和電動車泊車優惠. 信和的 電動車泊車優惠 為電動車車主提供 8 折停車場時租優惠,而信和旗下商場、商業大廈及住宅遍布港九新界,地理位置十分方便。