雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 搶先睇揚海 La Marina最新銷售情報包括新盤即時新聞售樓說明書價單銷售安排成交紀錄平面圖示範單位地區配套即時新聞等獨家一手預售樓花資訊立即查詢預約

  2. 港島南岸第二期 「LA MARINA 揚海」全新海景高尚住宅府邸。坐擁南區深灣醉人景致,兩站四綫貫連全港商貿核心,迅速聯繫港九新界。傳承南區的珍貴資源,匯聚了動與靜的優尚生活氣度。除地利優勢外,項目更坐擁國際級校網,港島南區名校林立。現樓開放預約參觀。

  3. The phrase 2 called La Marina which developed by Kerry Properties. It located at No.11 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang. It consists of 2 Towers. It provides 600 units. Area from 320 to 1,901 square feet which designed into studio, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, 2-bedroom with suite, 3-bedroom with suite, 3-bedroom with suite and multi-function room with ...

  4. www.lamarina.com.hk › enLA MARINA - Home

    Indirect shareholders of the Vendor (Person so engaged) Vendor (Owner) Enquiry: 276 00 276. 1Name of the Phase of the Development: Phase 2 of THE SOUTHSIDE (“the Phase”) is called “La Marina”. District: Aberdeen & Ap Lei Chau • Name of the street at which the Phase is situated and the street number: 11 Heung Yip Road • The ...

  5. Comprehensive information on new property La Marina - sales brochure, price list, sales arrangement, transactions, mortgage plan. Live Chat support.

  6. 2023年11月27日 · 4線匯聚 8分鐘到金鐘. 港島南一帶的新盤備受焦點,「LA MARINA 揚海坐擁南區深灣海景而且匯聚4線包括港島綫荃灣綫南港島綫及未來沙中綫 ,僅兩個港鐵站即到金鐘,14分鐘到中環,16分鐘到尖沙咀,項目提供24小時有蓋行人通道,經商場連接港鐵黃竹坑,方便上班一族.. LA MARINA 揚海交通配置. *資料來源: 「LA MARINA 揚海」售樓資料. 坐擁深灣美景 處豪宅集中地. 周邊壽臣山、深水灣、淺水灣等都是傳統富豪聚居之地,地理位置依山伴海,例如赤柱灣、南灣、淺水灣、深水灣及深灣等,更是唯一正面面向深灣海灣項目,可謂得天獨厚。 附近設不少私人會所,除了鄰近深灣遊艇俱樂部,還有香港仔遊艇會、香港哥爾夫球會所等8個私人會所。 成新興甲級寫字樓集中地.

  7. La Marina is a residential property by Sino Group, a leading property developer in Hong Kong. Search properties for sale in Hong Kong at Sino Group now.

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