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  1. 2019年11月8日 · 该剧通过英国的里昂斯(Lyons)一家人之眼,将剧中屏幕上的政治人物、艾玛·汤普森饰演的国会议员薇薇安·鲁克放大到极致,而后者才是主宰包括里昂斯(Lyons)一家人在内未来15年间悲喜人生的大BOSS。 Source: SBS On Demand. 2019到2034年的15年里,剧里的世界发生了什么? 特朗普连任、美国发射导弹、中国命名新岛屿为红沙岛、前所未有的乌克兰难民涌入英国、围绕气候危机的恐慌不断升级、技术掌控人类之甚手机已植入皮肤、人类能将肉身下载到云变成大数据造就超人类…… 基本上,它的可怖之处在于探索了我们在现实中所观察到的所有令人忧心的趋势,仿佛一切皆有可能,并发问:如果情况没有变好我们该怎么办? Years and Years Source: SBS.

  2. 2024年3月14日 · Find Alone Australia: The Podcast in your podcast app Follow in your podcast app to get all upcoming episodes when they're released. Watch Alone Australia season 2 now Ten survivalists take on the ...

  3. 2024年3月22日 · Rahav and Moran Stela Yanai travelled from Israel to share their harrowing survival stories at the UIA Women’s Division events, held in Sydney and Melbourne this week. Shane Desiatnik from the Australian Jewish News, reporting to SBS Shalom Australia.

  4. 2024年3月24日 · SBS News Podcasts. Home to one of the world's oldest continuous cultures and over seven million people born overseas, identity in multicultural Australia is complex. Join Hannah Kwon as she chats ...

  5. 2024年3月29日 · 29/03/202449:01. Get ready for Alone Australia: The Podcast. 14/03/202402:10. As you're watching Alone Australia season two, delve deeper into each episode with season one winner Gina Chick and ...

  6. 2023年1月2日 · Life. Eight ways COVID has changed our daily lives without us realising it. When COVID-19 first emerged, some thought the outbreak would be over in a matter of weeks. But three years on, everyday life in Australia has changed in several ways. The pandemic has altered everything from where we sit to how we cross the road and order a drink.

  7. 2024年3月6日 · Weighing 56 kilograms, it took him months of work to build, and it's fitted with everything he needs to survive on the road: clothes, safety maintenance gear, containers for his water ...