雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年7月18日 · 第一格左上角的「Don`t」,标题的「Look Back」,最后一格「In Anger」 《Don't look back in anger》是绿洲乐队的名曲。2017年的曼彻斯特恐怖袭击之后,民众自发地合唱了这首歌,以纪念遇难者。

  2. 今天重新看了一遍Look Back。很多微小的细节,在第一遍看的时候都忽略了,第一遍只记得电影化的分镜和蒙太奇镜头。第二遍看慕然回首,记得的是: 两人刚认识的时候,被肯定的激动,肯定的言语对她来说是多么重要;

  3. look back at "She looked back at me when I didn't reply." - looking behind you or at a person "I looked back on the events of yesterday." - thinking about something that happened "They looked back to that time in fifth grade." - similar to 'look back on', thinking about a memory. 的同义词

  4. 如何看待《电锯人》作者藤本树以《蓦然回首》再次成为「这本漫画真厉害 2022」男榜第一?宝岛社《这本漫画真厉害 2022》榜单公布,藤本树以短篇作《蓦然回首》(look back)成为该榜单首位连续两年夺得男榜第一的作者。

  5. look back"Look back" can mean a few different things depending on context. In a literal sense, it could just mean to look at something behind you, or looking at something again that you have already looked at previously. You might say you looked back at someone after walking away from them. Or if you read something, but you had to read it again, you could say you looked back at/over it. For ...

  6. look back over“To reflect” basically means to go back over and see what you could have done differently, “to look back on” means that you are just reviewing or remembering a situation/something that you’ve done 的同义词

  7. 对于这首歌的歌词,其实Noel有解释过,这是一首关于反抗的歌。歌中描述的那个叫Sally的女人看着自己的生活一天天流逝,却无法阻止,这对应了那句“Her soul slides away”。但是这个女人最后并没有在意,坦然接受,为生活举杯,于是就“don't look back in

  8. Look back on in the context of the sentence about Sally is correct. You don’t look back to past events, you look back on them. You would look back to a physical place, a location, etc. For example He looked back to the bend in the road where he last saw his

  9. 2017年12月23日 · look back on 〜を振り返る look back は「振り返る」という意味の英語表現です。 例えば look back on today's meeting と言えば「今日のミーティングを振り返る」と言うことができます。 例: I am going to look back on my day today. 私の今日1日を振り返ります。

  10. 2018年9月6日 · 「振り返る」は英語では「look back」で表せます。 「look back」は「振り返る」という意味の句動詞です。 「look back」は後ろを振り返ることも、過去を振り返ることも表します。 【例】 “She looked back at me.” 「彼女は私を振り返ってみました」 “I don't look back.